Alaska, we just met, but I think I love you.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Unable to determine due to velocity
I thought about writing up a long and detailed story about this incredible experience, but the more I thought about it, the more it became clear that words just can’t do justice to what the Arctic is. It is a magical place, and one that will be on my destination list in future years. So, I’ll leave it to pictures and some color commentary, and implore you to go. Don’t wait, because you’re going to want to go again.

Start of the Haul Road.
untitled-8587 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Still on the Dalton
DSC01577 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Mountains are pretty
untitled-8821 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Almost to Happy Valley, time for some rest.
untitled-8966 by jryoung38, on Flickr

And whiskey
DSC01609 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Quarter after midnight, this might be hard to get use to.
20170805_001738 by jryoung38, on Flickr

A photographers dream, alpenglow lasts forever.
DSC01617 by jryoung38, on Flickr

A few pieces of gear, the wait for the ride begins.
DSC01628 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Happy Valley Olympics, I took gold in rock put.
DSC01656 by jryoung38, on Flickr

A little stickball
DSC01667 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Okay, seriously, when are they coming
DSC01631 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Ride in on a 185
DSC01668 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Last load in
DSC01679 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Me and Mark
untitled-9509 by jryoung38, on Flickr

From the banks of the Ivishak, what the next 7 days would look like.
20170806_160642 by jryoung38, on Flickr
There must be caribou out here somewhere.
untitled-9634 by jryoung38, on Flickr

20170806_160733 by jryoung38, on Flickr

It’s hard not to feel insignificant, and incredibly alive at the same time.
DSC01705 by jryoung38, on Flickr

NRS Titanium socks and Crocs, life changing hunting gear.
20170808_113053 by jryoung38, on Flickr

The Ivishak sets the pace.
20170814_123630 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Mark trying to teach me where to cast.
Casting by jryoung38, on Flickr

Apparently he knows what he was doing.
untitled-0072 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Find a perch, and enjoy the view.
DSC01739 by jryoung38, on Flickr

The lighting changes can’t be overstated, the blues, greens and grays were incredible.
DSC01784 by jryoung38, on Flickr

20170810_125424 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Those lighting changes led to rainbows that put the tropics to shame.
DSC01720 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Happy to support our USFWS Refuge System.
DSC01786 by jryoung38, on Flickr

500 yards and across a river, the viewing point I wanted to see him at.
DSC01749 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Unchanged for millennia.
DSC01769 by jryoung38, on Flickr

This is what sustains a lot of life out here.
20170806_170955 by jryoung38, on Flickr
Barry said some of the natives won’t say the word, but will say “big animal” instead.
DSC01715 by jryoung38, on Flickr

DSC01735 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Hello Dolly
untitled-0333 by jryoung38, on Flickr

dolly spots by jryoung38, on Flickr

On a spit
DSC01782 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Dolly for dinner with rye reduction
flaming dolly by jryoung38, on Flickr

and berries for dessert.
20170805_120151 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Everyone eats berries
bear poop by jryoung38, on Flickr

Don’t let your parents tell you playing video games is bad for you, and you won’t be able to get a job.
DSC01772 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Drone shot of camp.
Camp by jryoung38, on Flickr

Grayling for dinner
20170811_184042 by jryoung38, on Flickr

More river pace
20170809_095410 by jryoung38, on Flickr

20170808_111112 by jryoung38, on Flickr
20170806_165058 by jryoung38, on Flickr
DSC01809 by jryoung38, on Flickr

DSC01881 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Find someone that makes you look good.
DSC01815 by jryoung38, on Flickr

DSC01828 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Big dollys on ultra-light spinning tackle is so much fun.
DSC01846 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Rainbows and a beachside camp.
DSC01823 by jryoung38, on Flickr

This river makes me look good.
20170813_191805 by jryoung38, on Flickr

I eat fish
20170811_184034 by jryoung38, on Flickr
DSC01799 by jryoung38, on Flickr

Fun side note to the story, one of the guys in the film crew had a wife that was expecting. Then we got weather and her appointment was moved up, a double whammy. So the film crew decided to go for broke, and paddle down river, roughly 30 miles into the wind to the road then try and catch a ride back down the road to where the truck was parked. They paddled 12 straight hours, got to the truck then booked it to Fairbanks and caught their flights. Some serious heroic shit. This is when they departed us.
20170812_163502 by jryoung38, on Flickr
Looks like an amazing trip! Congrats on the Caribou and daily fish dinners! Jealous.... so jealous
Awesome adventure and memories for a lifetime. Some day I hope to hunt up there.
Fantastic JR & wife! What a wonderful trip! Looks amazing, I gotta get up there soon!
Nice job on the photos! Look forward to hearing some first hand stories from you of this trip.