Alaska Musk ox

Seems to be a lot of interest regarding the meat quality on musk ox. First off, there is no odor or gamey smell to it at all. The fat is very white and reminds me of beef fat. I'd say they are about the same size as a raghorn bull elk.

We had musk ox ribs one night...I'd rate it the same quality wise as Bison. Also, I brought back 70 pounds of boned meat, which is over 1/3 of the total meat. I brought back 1 boned hind, backstraps, tenderloins, and a large part of the second hind as well.

My intention was to bring it all back, as I'd already heard about the meat quality being very high. But, there were many, many requests in Shismaref for musk ox. I surely didnt feel like I was pawning off the meat to the locals, and they viewed it as a gift as well.
That is definitely on the "to do" list.

Awesome bulls, both of them.

A really cool, unique hunt, thanks for sharing. Hope you're doing a full body, they are a cool animal.
Nice time in the cold North. Now I know why HuntTalk was strangely quite were in Alaska.
Absolutely love it Buzz. Great hunt in country few of us will have an opportunity to enjoy. sweet....
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