Alaska canceled

Not too much a person can do, sorry to hear that. I guess on the bright side, the Chocolate Mountains have mule deer and is a very awesome place to see the sunrise. Of course there are a lot of burros there as well.

Good luck!
Bummer. I've got some friends in the same boat. Some of this will effect their plans next year as they are pushing too many trips back a year.
I feel for you brother. Had a spring bear hunt that almost didn't happen this season and got pushed off almost a month. Hopefully money spent can be refunded?
Not too much a person can do, sorry to hear that. I guess on the bright side, the Chocolate Mountains have mule deer and is a very awesome place to see the sunrise. Of course there are a lot of burros there as well.

Good luck!
Chocolate Mountains has been a draw hunt for several years.
Sorry to hear about the fear porn of the plan-demic stopping you from a proper hunt. Hoping you can get out there and do what you love sooner than later.
Thinking about going to AK in July fishing.
What are the current thoughts on that regarding airline travel, bush flights, motels, etc.?
Since the vaccine is on the road as I write this, I would think things should settle down by next summer, especially if one can prove vaccination ... and it would not surprise me if that becomes a prerequisite for air travel, especially to foreign countries. Might help get some of the naysayer fools on board with genuine public health precautions.
Thinking about going to AK in July fishing.
What are the current thoughts on that regarding airline travel, bush flights, motels, etc.?
We had a good season last summer even with the covid. Our contract was set up requiring our guests have a 72 hour test before the state required that. Typically took about 10 minutes for us to locate a testing center locally for folks. We operated at about 75%, no covid before or since with our guests. Best part was there was no one around. It was like the old days, well except for Kings.
We are already booked up for next summer, I imagine many other outfitters will be as well. I expect a busy summer.
The biggest question I have is will there be a regional carrier flying folks out to the more remote towns.
I hope you make it this summer. To wet your appetite, the last fish I guided to last fall, 331/2 x19 rainbow.


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