Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Alaska Big Game Hunts

We better take Moosie along then!!! He is used to the quarter under the pillow thing!!
I am afraid me and Thumper would butt heads on that!!! (PRIVATE JOKE)

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


I called Tony the other day up in Alaska and
he was getting ready to fly a bunch of supplies out for his boy who is running the Iron Dog 2000 with a buddy of his. Anyway,
we talked about you & Thumper & Moosie. All good stuff, 'cause y'all might whup up on me if I bad-mouthed ya! Let me know when you make a decision on whether or not you're goin' or not, OK?

And Moosie, you still trying to get your dad to go on that moose hunt? When I talked to you last month you didn't know. I still have one "official" and 2 "unofficial" spots on my hunt dates. Let me know if you're interested, OK?

Hef-I got to get with Tony again on it. SOmehow I want to do it, but it is a spring hunt and I will have to get someone to do my stuff around here, but I think I can get it done. Unless he has some fall bear hunts , and we didnt get that far into it. Will let ya know as soon as I get ahold of Tony again. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage

Tony's son and a buddy are running the Irondog 2000, which is 900 miles more than the Iditirod, and he's flying support for them. He should be home toward the end of the week. Give him a shout then.

March 24, 2001

SUBJECT: Alaska Caribou Hunt Availability

My Alaska outfitter buddy, Tony Lee called me the other day before he left for spring bear camp and said he only has about a dozen openings left for unguided, outfitted, drop camp caribou hunts for this August and only 3-4 left for early September. All his guided hunts are sold.

The area is Unit 17, which is in the middle of the Mulchatna drainage, home of the famous Mulchatna caribou herd….200,000 strong and growing. For the last 10 years Tony has maintained 100% success on unguided caribou hunts. Last year it dropped to 98% because they had the worst weather in over 10 years. Still 46 hunters took 45 caribou.

His prices for these hunts are really very affordable. A non-resident big game hunting license is $85. Caribou tags are $325 each and a black bear tag is $225. Many of the black bear in this area get as big as interior grizzlies and Unit 17 has plenty of them with most averaging 7 ft and some up in the 8 ft. range. Also if you go, get a couple of wolf tags at $175 each because they’re everywhere and are killing lots of yearling moose.

The following are prices for his STANDARD, Unguided, Outfitted, Drop Camp Hunts:
6-days - $1,500 per person
8-days - $1,800 per person
10-days - $2,100 per person
Non-residents can take 2 caribou (no trophy fees) plus a black bear (for a $300 trophy fee).

After you get to Iliamna from Anchorage you’re flown to a spike camp with dry tents, food, camp tools, propane stove & fuel, cooking & eating utensils, hide salt, cord & rope, toilet paper, water jug, etc.

Or, if you want the DELUXE, Unguided, Outfitted Drop Camp Hunt, those prices are:
6-days - $1,900 per person
8-days - $2,200 per person
10-days - $2,500 per person
14-days - $3,000 per person

The DELUXE camp requires a minimum of 4 hunters and a maximum of 12. The tents, big enough you can actually stand up in, have wood stoves, sleeping cots, plus there’s a cook tent with picnic table, utensils, lots of food, screened-in meat house, shower tent, camp tools, etc. and a 1,300’ air strip.

After you get your animal(s) back to main camp the cost for a meat haul back to Iliamna on an air taxi is $75 per caribou or black bear. From Iliamna to Anchorage the cost for shipping meat/trophy is $.32 per pound on Northern Air Cargo but they do NOT fly on Sunday or Monday, so plan accordingly. You’re on your own for butchering & taxidermy but there are excellent butchers and taxidermists in the Anchorage area you can be put in contact with.

So, if you or your hunting buddies are interested in one of these caribou hunts, e-mail me for details. If you e-mail Tony all of his e-mail is forwarded to me while he’s at spring bear camp until after mid-May.

Incidentally, he is suppose to call me via satellite phone directly from the kill sites in early April on his spring bear hunts and I’m going to e-mail this info to the 500+ names I have on my various mail groups. If you want to be added, send me your e-mail address.

Bill Hefner
St. Petersburg, FL
[email protected] (all lower case)
Yea this was hunting the Mulchatna herd, which really took a dive in the early 2000s and is still trying to slowly creep back...gonna be a while before this area is a destination for nonres hunters.
NR caribou hunts are going to be the next sheep hunt. Very limited access to bou compared to 20 years ago. There is maybe half as many caribou today in AK than in 2000.

Guided caribou hunts are $12-15k. Drop hunts if you can get a spot, start at $3k, and I've seen them advertised up to $8k.

Mulchatna isn't coming back to the peak of the 200,000 in my lifetime. They just blasted 100 griz over there with hopes of saving a few of the 12000 that are left.

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