
airline question


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Can you fly with bear spray in checked bags?How about jetboil fuel??I won't have much time to buy anything in Ak before I get my 2nd flight to a remote town.Not betting I'd find either in the town(Galena)
Another question to Ak guys,would you bring water along if flying in on a beaver or chance the pond water if filterable??No moving water where I'm hunting just the lake we are camping on.I imagine theres probably beaver living in it and not sure its safe even with filtering.I got bell palsy after a Co hunt once and think it was due to stagnant water I filtered.Not fun having 1/2 your face paralyzed for 4 months
I know no bear spray and no fuel...both considered hazardous. Maybe try seeing if the local hardware store/general store, or whatever has some of that stuff. Your other bet would be to mail some to someone at your'll have to pay HazMat shipping for the fuel.

As for stagnant water, I would think a good filter would get the bad stuff but would probably add an iodine tab. Possibly boil then filter is another option.
For this reason I own a MSR Dragonfly. Actually I have the XGK and the Whisperlite too.
All of these run on any type of fuel; White Gas, Unleaded, Diesel, Kerosene.
I like the Dragonfly and XGK best because they run flawlessly while burning unleaded gas whereas the Whisperlite tends to clog up with soot.

It's nice to arrive anywhere in the world and know you can fill your fuel canister anywhere, and it's cheap.

Just wash out the fuel bottle with hot soapy water and let it air out before you fly. The airlines don't want any fumes in the bottle.


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Are you flying on the Beaver from Anc, or Fairbanks?

Ask the pilot/transporter many times they have fuel and spray.

You might try the local AC or whatever there is in Galena. They may either have it or can get it shipped in.
I have had the pilot get fuel for me on several occasions. I asked and let him know what I needed and he had it there when I got to his plane. Or ask if a local store has it and if you will have time to go get the fuel.
Now I don't know if remote locations/stores will have bear spray but you could order it and have it delivered to your pilot.
thanks, I'll call the transporter.Flying the beaver from Galena into lake we're hunting
No and no. I was in Galena 2 years ago moose hunting they have very limited supplies. Two stores that are small they did have pleanty of white gas you will pay the price for it though. I would find a stove that runs off it. I am pretty sure you will find no bear spray. May wanna check with your local carrier also about having either on a small plane. I think they started a federal reg banning transportation of either even on bush flights. Not 100% sure though. I usually do the dont ask dont tell thing. There are tons of beavers all over that area chances are they will for sure be in the lake your landing on. We packed water in and if your on a beaver flying in should be pleanty of space for some water.

May want to call your transporter first and make sure they can transport both of the items you mention, I know the regs changed a few years back but I'm not sure what they can and cannot transport.

The letter I got from 40 Mile for this fall's trip says "Please be aware that the carrying of isobutane/propane fuel mix canisters is prohibited by air." of the most popular stoves that uses this fuel is the JetBoil..."

Good luck man! Won't be long now.

Looks like I may have to go with what glasseye has if that's the case.Is it just the mixed stuff they won't fly with??I have a coleman stove but that takes bottles too
It is illegal for passengers to carry stove fuel and most other hazmat onto aircraft operating under the part of the federal regulations that most scheduled airlines operate under. That being said, within AK many of the operators are authorized to fly under a different section of federal aviation regs. Thease rules will prevent you from brining fuel with you in your checked bagagge into and likely out of ANC. But, the rules will allow for some type of fuel to be brought with you into the bush. Check with the operator that will transport you. Best case, you would be able to bring a clean, dry and fuel odor free stove as well as an empty, clean, dry and odor free fuel bottle that is non pressurized.

I have personally seen people with dirty stoves and fuel bottles with the odor of gas be denied bringing those items with them onto an aircraft and airline agents are trained to look for people that are likely trying to bring those items with them.

Check with your charter company and find out what fuel is permitted and tailor your kit to what he is allowed to have on board the aircraft. This is for yours, the other passengers, and the crews safety. Fire on an airplane is a very bad thing and we only have minutes to get the airplane on the ground and attempt to evacuate the aircraft.

Not that you would try, but please do not do the don't ask don't tell or illegally ship hazmat on airplanes.
Looks like I may have to go with what glasseye has if that's the case.Is it just the mixed stuff they won't fly with??I have a coleman stove but that takes bottles too

Your Galena transporter should be able to tell you what he can and can't carry, and what might be available in Galena. I'll be taking the 16 oz. Coleman canisters on my trip.

Did you pick up the LuxuryLite Ultralite Cot? It's awesome to sleep on. :)
A friend and I went to NZ and his Jet Boil canister was confiscated by the airline, they left him a note inside his duffle bag. He had to buy a couple canisters over there and on the way home he left them in his duffle bag, but this time the bag didn't make the flight until the next day because of the fuel canister.
yeah Mike,I did a little on line shopping the other day and got the cot and moose magnet call.Still looking for the right hip boots for the trip.And now,I may be stove shopping.Think it will be easier to just ship the stuff ahead of time and pay the haz. mat. fees,but have no problems locating fuel.Be one less bag to lug thru the airports anyway.I have no time really once in Fairbanks.I get in at 2 am,then onto my next flight at 9am,and into the bush we hope by 12-1pm same day.My partner has a little more time since he gets into Fairbanks around 2pm and has till 9 next morning.Time to figure this all out since the trip will be here in 3 months.I don't want to make this trip some bad naked and afraid tv show with no stove/fuel for 12 days back in there
Definitely, WILL NOT try and fly with fuel and mess up my flights over it or my bags not getting there.I stress over that enough without having banned stuff in my bags.Glad I asked now,sinceI have plenty of time to figure it all out
Sounds good Scott! It takes a few bags to fly all of the stuff to AK, that's for sure...the best move I ever made was getting a small self-storage unit in Anchorage and keeping most of my AK gear there.

One more thing you can do if you want: I think hunting licenses for this fall will be available online after July 1, when the new year AK hunting regs are available online. I always pick mine up online; if you need a registration tag where you're going, those sometimes take a little longer to appear online, but I think the license should be available after July 1.
Just got ahold of my transporter and he can fly any fuel but said Galena won't have much available.So I'll be shipping my camp stuff just to make life easy.He says water is able to filter but will still look brown,but drinkable
When are you going for caribou this year Mike?Did you find out if your mountain top or down by the creeks yet?Sure wish I had a fishing rod on our trip
Just checked the regs on this. According to 49 CFR 172.101 appendix A tables, isobutane may be shipped by air on cargo aircraft only in appropriate packaging and properly marked as hazmat. The U.N. number for isobutane is 1069 if your interested in looking it up. The post office will accept it only for ground transport and I'm sure both FedEx and UPS will charge extra to ship this if they will even accept it from you. It is possible you may have to find a licensed shipper to package and ship under a permit before it will be accepted by UPS or FedEx. Of course, I could be wrong but I'd call both companies and ask specifically about isobutane canisters and if you need to be a licensed shipper to send them and if they can get them to Galena. I fly lots of hazmat and it is a huge deal when we find unmarked, mis-marked, improperly packaged, improperly loaded Hazmat.

I see on REI's website they will not allow you to order jetboil fuel on line due to DOT shipping rules. It just might be cheaper and easier to purchase or rent a multi-fuel stove and pick up the white gas at the end of the line.
Just checked the regs on this. According to 49 CFR 172.101 appendix A tables, isobutane may be shipped by air on cargo aircraft only in appropriate packaging and properly marked as hazmat. The U.N. number for isobutane is 1069 if your interested in looking it up. The post office will accept it only for ground transport and I'm sure both FedEx and UPS will charge extra to ship this if they will even accept it from you. It is possible you may have to find a licensed shipper to package and ship under a permit before it will be accepted by UPS or FedEx. Of course, I could be wrong but I'd call both companies and ask specifically about isobutane canisters and if you need to be a licensed shipper to send them and if they can get them to Galena. I fly lots of hazmat and it is a huge deal when we find unmarked, mis-marked, improperly packaged, improperly loaded Hazmat.

I see on REI's website they will not allow you to order jetboil fuel on line due to DOT shipping rules. It just might be cheaper and easier to purchase or rent a multi-fuel stove and pick up the white gas at the end of the line.

Dude - this is what makes this forum so awesome, los of knowledge and people willing to share to benefit other hunters! Thanks for shedding some light on a pretty complicated topic.

...He says water is able to filter but will still look brown,but drinkable.

When are you going for caribou this year Mike? Did you find out if your mountain top or down by the creeks yet? Sure wish I had a fishing rod on our trip

Scott, one year I was camped on a lake, and that water was BROWN - even saw a leech swimming through the water as we were filtering it. Made me wonder, but never had any problems after filtering.

We're flying into the bush on August 30 - not sure yet if we'll be on a ridgetop or creekside, so I'll be bringing a little fishing gear just in case.

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