Ahhhh.... The smell of Fat-Assed ATV Riders....








"Thanks for making the point about MD and Ten's activities..... "

Elkgunner,I see you dont practice what you preach,

This quote below was just in one of your post adressed to me ,so you tell us what are we to believe now?????
["But please don't continue making up lies. We may disagree on many issues, but I doubt you will find me being a liar about your positions. Please don't be a liar about mine." ]

I quote from elkgunners post again
"but I doubt you will find me being a liar about your positions"
Tisk Tisk now elkgunner,would that come under the you never tell a lie ?????

Could you please show us pictures of me in a mud bog with or without my ATV!!!!!
I think the saying goes something like

I thought one of your activities was ATV riding? Am I wrong? And Michael posted pictures of ATV riders, enjoying their sport. He didn't label which one was you. I'm guessing the first one....

Please show us pictures of you not off in the mud bog, as the only pictures Michael brought in showed the ATVs in the bogs.

It is funny that you are more upset with my comments, than with Michael exposing the ATV crowd even further. Ten didn't even try and defend the pictures.

How come we never see pictures of the ATV crowd not breaking the law? How come we never hear stories of them following the laws? Oh yeah, just the fact that the 2% that haven't been "edjumacated" seem to always get in the news....
Gunner, for as knowledeble about every thing the whole world has to offer...the pics Michael put up was of areas that are set up just for this, very typical, open your mouth or your fingers in this case with out looking at the (BIG PICTURE) or the whole story, we have a place over in Washington that this is done with 4X4's on a great day with a roasted pig and all the fixins. It is all leagle and there is even members of law enforcement there, not as it would be at your rainbow gatherings to hold the peace, but to enjoy the day... ;)
Please explain how you know where Michael's pictures came from. You are just guessing, and likely hoping. He pulled them of the Off-Road board, so you have no idea where they were taken, or even what country.

The bottom line is, those kinds of pictures do nothing to mellow the image of the fat-assed crowd, and just further to cement the image of damage to the dirt by the devices. Just like your picture of the Elk...
And neither does your incessent tyrade of the subject. So I guess were even on this one also... :rolleyes:
Why would I be compelled to defend pictures I know not the origin of? They appear to be from "approved" recreation areas (I see nothing that would show otherwise). Except the pickup stuck in the mud. I did that once on a farm in S. Idaho while working there, but that was work, and on PRIVATE land. :D :D To complain about photos you don't have knowledge of, would be a measure of ignorance. ;)
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
Well put!!!
What are you, Ten Beer's lap dog? Were you the male cheerleader in high school, encouraging the others from the sideline?

Do you like to see pictures of mud bogging ATV's of unknown origin? Don't you think your sport is under enough attack? I sure don't like to see pictures of Elk ranches, as it looks bad for hunting.
That was a great come back Gunner, you must be losing steam...
What does it matter if he likes it or not, if it is leagel, there are no do gooders to shut it down, and they are having fun with out hurting any one in a controled area...
Who really cares except for a few busy bodies that have nothing to do with their time any more...
Do you like to see pictures of mud bogging ATV's of unknown origin? Don't you think your sport is under enough attack? I sure don't like to see pictures of Elk ranches, as it looks bad for hunting.
Seeing pictures of mud bogging of "unknown origin" does not both me. Seeing pictures of illegal mud bogging bothers me. You have yet to show these to be illegal. You only ASSume there is something wrong. I wont make that ASSumption. :D In my life I have seen many things that I didn't agree with, but I did't ASSume the role of superior person to have them outlawed either.
Gunner, for as knowledeble about every thing the whole world has to offer...the pics Michael put up was of areas that are set up just for this, very typical, open your mouth or your fingers in this case with out looking at the (BIG PICTURE) or the whole story, we have a place over in Washington that this is done with 4X4's on a great day with a roasted pig and all the fixins. It is all leagle and there is even members of law enforcement there, not as it would be at your rainbow gatherings to hold the peace, but to enjoy the day...
I believe if you went and read you would find that most of them pics are from an off raoders site, and they are in England, I'm not positive but I think that was where that site was from?????
Anyhow that looks like fun to me!!!!!!!
the truck is from a series of pics from a mud bogging event, there are several more that show 2 trucks racing down the mud pits, Brings out the teenager in me and makes me want to go play in the mud :D
Hey Michael,
Thanks for stirring this thread up, we couldn't have gotten it up to 110 posts without your help....

Hey Ten Beers,
You are right, I would ASSume that some guy that rides 2-up on an ATV in a Mud Bog without a helmet would likey ignore Travel Maps and Hunting Regulations. But, you must assume he is a Poster Child for your sport, and love to see his picture.
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