Yeti GOBOX Collection

Africa in less than 10 days!!!!

wswat, I poorly worded my other post.....wish you nothing but great luck and fun....I have hunted many HF RSA "Game Ranches" and it was never a problem.....non-indigenous to area animals are found all over RSA due to their excellent mgmt practices
I feel so guilty....three poor little striped horses have fallen to my gun....and I agree that they are perhaps the most aware of a predator being after them with eyes, smell and hearing. Not an easy prey species!
BTW, dink, the first was hunted hard for two days before scoring since I was after a particular old big stallion who had passed his prime and was escorted by five young stallions who had not yet reached theirs. The other two were cheap bait but I kept the full skin,
I'd like to hear about the hunt too.Tom, if you have some good recommendations for an outfit out there can you pm me their websites
nice shooting with the camera, (and the arrow and bullet as well, one would assume)
Congrats Brent. It looks like you had an awesome time and got some great trophies. Hopefully you have lots of extra space on the wall. I'm so pumped for our hunt next year. Good luck with the rest of your hunting season.
That looks like a great hunt.
Those Kudu are huge animals.
I was over there in April, mainly sight seeing with friends, rivers were just mud so no fishing.
But i got an invite to shoot at a farm near Kimberley, they just wanted an animal shot for the meat.
Only problem was at the last minute they told me it was head shot only!
So onto the sticks and zeroed in on this Impala buck, got my breathing together and did the business at 120 yards with a .243 Sako
Not something i would want to try again, in fact the PH i met in the evening did his nut that we had head shot the buck.
But still all's well that ends well i suppose.

CONGRATS....looks like you had a great hunt! Please tell us a tale or two about your kills!

DevonDeer, got to know some folks well enuf that I been on a cuppla Springbok on the dash, 300 meter min, head shot times!
Well here is alitttle bit about my hunt.

As day one began I was filled of thoughts of what it was going to be like to hunt the animals of South Africa. Being that for the most part anywhere in SA that has game has a 7 foot fence around it I had no idea what to expect. First day out my fears were put to rest when I seen a heard of Impala go over the main gate as we entered the lodge like is was a 3 strand wire out on the prarie. So much for being contained.
The main area we hunted was 3 seprate concessions that were 4-6000 acres each. And they included a mountian range that when you went over the top it was unfenced and open. When I say mountain range I mean simular to black hills in height not Rocky mountains.

Day one my wife and I and our Ph Jurie took a tour of the property looking at different animals and size and quality to get a feel for what was out there. My wife was having the time of Her life.
By the way there guys ( She has never wanted to go hunting in her life and she never missed a day the whole trip).
While searching the country side my PH suddenly started freaking out. Huge WaterBuck!!! as quick as we saw him he was gone. Into the thick tangled mess off the country side. It was so think I wondered how the animals lived in that crap. As the sun was going down we got lucky and the waterbuck made an appearance in a small opening. and my 300 WSM barked out at the animal. I looked over at my wife and I could see the look of worry as she said softly. Did you miss him? I quickly responded no put one right in the bread basket. As we walked up to him there were chears all around as My first animal was a great old bull measuring 29".
The next day was alot like the same. As I had orignally thought I would bow hunt from a ground blind since I thought my wife would want to stay in the spa and hot tub and not go out. WRONG. She was up before me ready for day 2. While hunting we spotted 2 Nyala one young one and one nice bull. We were able to sneak within 20 yards as they were distracted by 2 cape buffalo fighting and with one flick of the string I had my most prized trophy.

Day 3 while hunting in the mountains just before dark we spotted a nice Kudu bull in the thick brush and I shot him right in the shoulder. But he turned and the bullet came out in the neck. Bad shot as this animal would end up takeing 4 more days and some luck to end up getting.

More to come
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Great story and pics. Could you do me one favor.... "Please ID the animals in the previous photos". I know a zebra, hoever, I am not familar with some of the others.

Thanks and looking to more of the story.

good luck to all
the dog
Spring buck ,Zebra, Kudu,Kudu, Nyala, Waterbuck, Black Wildebeast. I will post a picture of my Impala also
Bases on that excellent Waterbuck are really good too and he holds mass all the way out. WELL DONE!!

Very nice Nyala too, especially doing a spot and stalk with to get the full affect of a trophy Nyala, you must full body mount him!