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Africa in less than 10 days!!!!


New member
Oct 13, 2009
north dakota
Can not even discribe how excited I am about my hunt coming up in South Africa!!
I will be trying to take a Kudu and a Nyala with archery equipment and also a Black wildebeast, springbuck, Impala, and gemsbuck. Hopefully I can accomplish some of these goals!!
Just had to vent alittle of my excitment.
Have fun on your upcoming adventure.
i'm on the fence right now about an African hunt.Like to hear about your experience when you get back.Who are you going to hunt with out there?
Good luck WSWAT. I hope you get all the critters you'r after. Can't wait to see pics. This is Riley by the way. I'll be in South Africa a year from today with Matt and Adam and my bro. and am pumped. Have a safe trip and a great time over there!
We just got back from our huntingmoon. Combo honeymoon and safari. We hunted 12 full days in Namibia. It was awesome. We were very meticulous in choosing our outfitter in that we were NOT hunting any high fence areas, and that we hunted native animals from the area. Those goals were achieved, providing for a challenging and very rewarding hunt. We killed 38 animals for 3 shooters. Everyone got the trophies they wanted with many gold medals and all trophies at least a bronze medal. And we all shot multiple management animals for very affordable prices. It was an unbelievable experience. This is who we hunted with. http://www.africa-hunting.com/ We hunted at Westfalenhof and Orua.

They are family farms who own large tracts of land they farm cattle on, and all the owners are PH's. Very much like getting invited to hunt a ranch in Montana for a week where you just become part of the family while you are there. Much better than the heavily commercialized stuff going on in SA and other parts of Africa.

If anyone has any questions regarding the travel over, it is all fresh in my mind and I can certainly help streamline the process and make it less painful.
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Have a great trip. Almost impossible to take too many photographs, especially with digital cameras these days. Shoot your camera, rifle or bow often.
Have a good hunt. Take a lot of pics. One thing I regreted is that I did not put together a good photo albulm together afterwords and kieep a mini journal to go with the pics of everyday memories on the hunt.
I am going to try and do better next time.
\ And we all shot multiple management animals for very affordable prices. It was an unbelievable experience. This is who we hunted with. http://www.africa-hunting.com/ We hunted at Westfalenhof and Orua....

...Much better than the heavily commercialized stuff going on in SA and other parts of Africa.

Do you understand what comercialzation means? The LINK you provided boasts about advertising in 3 seperate magazines... The link has more crap on it than 90% of the websites I've seen for anywhere in RSA.

How is a 'managment hunt' anything BUT comercialization??? WTF?

For some reason this quote comest to mind... "You probably think strippers like you too".
Sorry to get off topic.

Good luck and try and stay as long as you can, my only advice is this... stay longer, quit your job if you have to. :)
Three of your specific animals are not indigenous to Limpopo but that doesn't bother me. Neither does the High Fence you will be hunting within to ensure the animals stay on the property.Those areas are ususally much larger than any area we hunt in the States many going to 50,000 acres or even more.
Rat Fink, what makes you think Namibia is not highly commercialized? Congrats on your groups 38 animals...let's see that is 13 apiece in 12 days....nice show....especially for a non-commercial area...
I'm going there next spring and its gonna be amazing! Im sure you'll have an unbelievable time! Im not really sure what the point of Rat Fink's post is other than a pathetic attempt to try and put down your trip in a weird attempt to somehow elevate himself. Anyways rest assured he's never been to South Africa and did nothing to research the trip to Namibia other than have it paid for him. Have fun and I can't wait myself!
Three of your specific animals are not indigenous to Limpopo but that doesn't bother me. Neither does the High Fence you will be hunting within to ensure the animals stay on the property.Those areas are ususally much larger than any area we hunt in the States many going to 50,000 acres or even more.
Rat Fink, what makes you think Namibia is not highly commercialized? Congrats on your groups 38 animals...let's see that is 13 apiece in 12 days....nice show....especially for a non-commercial area...

If you look at there website some of the animals I want to hunt we have to travel out of the Limpopo region to get to the hunting areas for them Spring buck being one example.
But hunting on a ranch that is 60,000 acres you can not tell me that fence will be a issue.
Like you said I also have never been one to tell people how and what type of hunting they should be doing. It is up to each person in my opinion to choose there own path.

Thanks for all the good wishes and I will have a full story apon my return.
Can anyone ever convince me shooting Zebras and other goofy Africa stuff is not ghey?

I doubt it. Not trying to be a douche but doesn't sound like you've researched it. If you like to hunt, ANYONE will like hunting in Africa IMHO.

Everybody I know that has been to Africa loved it and couldn't wait to get back. Me included. I was back in the States about two days before I started researching the next trip. I'm sure there are exceptions but I have yet to meet the exception.

FWIW, the zebra I shot last year was probably the most wary animal we hunted and I loved every minute of it. It isn't shooting a horse which I had about 500 people ask me.

Is it different than hunting in the U.S.? Duh, of course, but that is why I loved it and am going back next year.

I think I've hunted enough species and areas to know a good hunt, and Namibia was fantastic.

Heading to Zimbabwe next year and can hardly wait.

To the OP, good luck on your hunt, I'm sure you'll love it and want to go back.

To Ratfink, awesome, glad you had a great time. I hunted north and east of Windhoek an thought it was a great country.
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