Africa--2010--who's planning?

Fishn4eyes....should be a great experience! Zambezi Hunters have a very good reputation and you should have no problem with Buffalo and lots of PG....Leopards are always problematic....may the stars align and that Leopard come in!!!

I hear you on Mr. Spots. I've heard of lots of guys taking three or more trips before they got one so I'm going to be patient and hope it happens. I'd like to see a few in the tree anyway.

Probably be the only leopard hunt for me so it if doesn't work out, it doesn't.

Definitely looking forward to it!
FishN4Eyes, I haave my hunt with them in August14 of 2012. If you are there before me don't shoot my cat.;) At least leave a few of your baits up for me.:)

I talked with Thierry the other day and he figures I have about a %70 chance on a cat. I asked himn to be my PH. Got my fingers crossed big time that it happens. I have not heard any reports from there this year so I wonder how they are doing.

It will be along hunt till August of next year but I am saving my pennies as she is expensive and I am planning on shooting a few critters when I get there:hump:
Phil, does the area allow lights? I am not sure....after taking 28 days on multiple hunts to get my Leopard with barely enuff light, I would have absolutely no problem shooting one with an area that is hard hunted.
Yes they allow lights there. Zambezi hunters is in the Save area so I hope I can get one on bait which should happen. The tough part is getting a shot at it. Shooting at night sure helps and I am not against doing it if needs be to get my cat. I hope that it does not come to that and we can get him in the tree during light though.

Where did you hunt? Got a pic of your cat to share? Any thoughts on what a guy needs to do to have a better chance at getting one on bait? I am thinking of getting prebaiting done and possibly another truck to check and hang baits for me for the first part of the hunt if the price is right.
FishN4Eyes, I haave my hunt with them in August14 of 2012. If you are there before me don't shoot my cat.;) At least leave a few of your baits up for me.:)

I talked with Thierry the other day and he figures I have about a %70 chance on a cat. I asked himn to be my PH. Got my fingers crossed big time that it happens. I have not heard any reports from there this year so I wonder how they are doing.

It will be along hunt till August of next year but I am saving my pennies as she is expensive and I am planning on shooting a few critters when I get there:hump:

I'm using Thierry as well. I know a few guys that have hunted with him and all have nothing but great things to say. I'm stoked to go, wish it was this year!

I know the guy in front of me next year is hunting leopard as well so we'll have all the baits well stocked for you! Do you know Will Parks? He's hunting this year and next year with them.
Yes I know Will. The lucky bugger has killed all of the big Leopard in those areas. :)

When will you be there in 2012?
I am having things prebaited so if you are in line ahead of me I guess I am buying you a zebra or 2 to string up for me. I have a buddy that is hunting with me as well with a Leopard tag so I hope there are a few left when we get there.
Yes I know Will. The lucky bugger has killed all of the big Leopard in those areas. :)

When will you be there in 2012?
I am having things prebaited so if you are in line ahead of me I guess I am buying you a zebra or 2 to string up for me. I have a buddy that is hunting with me as well with a Leopard tag so I hope there are a few left when we get there.

Yeah, he's shot two whoppers!

You buy the zebra, I'll be happy to shoot them for you! ;)

I'm hunting from June 21st to July 6th, 2012.
I killed my Leopard at Chirisa which is kinda north central Zimbabwe and missed one at Matetsi 6 which is on the Botswana border out from Vic Falls.
The really huge one outsmarted us at Chirisa, more than once. Settled for one just over 7-feet, scale weight of 139 lbs with green skull of 13 1/2"
I am still an analog photographer
Good luck to you both! You may see some really good big beautiful Lions at Save while there.
I killed my Leopard at Chirisa which is kinda north central Zimbabwe and missed one at Matetsi 6 which is on the Botswana border out from Vic Falls.
The really huge one outsmarted us at Chirisa, more than once. Settled for one just over 7-feet, scale weight of 139 lbs with green skull of 13 1/2"
I am still an analog photographer
Good luck to you both! You may see some really good big beautiful Lions at Save while there.
I hope I don't see a big Lion or I might have to remortgage the house and shoot one!!!:hump:

I really hope this Leopard hunt turns out. I might not make it back for a leopard again for a long time. At least I am with the right outfitt and PH.