Kevin, those Sables are cool looking. Will they always be a spike or will they grow up to be raghorns then later 6x6's?? Oh crap, here I am thinking of elk season and I still have to wait until the middle of October.
Indy, DS talks highly of you (At least on the board, I won't say what he tells me in person
). Would be good to have you in our camp !! 2 years, A bit out, But still needed to pull funds and Prioritize some hunting stuff... Only delema is thats the Year Moosie #4 will be in the works

Thanx for the Updates and Pictures, Let's keep up the Dialog and get some stuff figured out.
im not sure i understand the whole africa thing.i know many of the outfitters serve the animals killed as meals during the hunt but can any meat be shipped home for future use?when you book a hunt ( just throwing numbers here) for 5000 bucks for 5 pre selected animals does that include the trophy fees or do you pay that over and above the hunt. basically if you agreed on a 5000 dollar hunt would there be other charges besides transportation.
It's hard for most guys coming into the middle of this without reading the previous posts and the other threads involved to understand the whole context of the discussions.

The 5K or so for a package with me includes everything but airfare and the shipping of your trophies home. That is if you choose to take them home.

We don't care if you take the meat home but the US governement and the Dept of Agriculture will not allow any meat even processed meat to enter the USA legally.

Everything is included, and by that we mean everything. Laundry every day, maid service with your bed made and room spotless, cooking, all meals, open bar, skinners, PH, trackers, transportation to and from the airport, everything you will need on this trip is included. I will gladly provide a list of references to you and they will all tell you the same thing about the hunts and the lodging we have. You may find another operation as good but I doubt you will find anything better.

Wildlife artist Troy Adams "big sky" hunted with me this past season. Read his observations about our lodge and hunting on this site.
Jason LEE, You're always welcome in my camp "BIG BOY"

KICK out what you guys are interested in shooting over there...
YOu need to open up the "list" topic, as I had some great smart a$$ comments to make..

Bump my percentage up to 100%, unless I have to share a cot with you...

And you forgot my Blue Wildebeast. Also, I could substitute Gemsbok for Kudu, depending on the details. Blesbok and Impala would be other choices, if nothing better.
Gunner, Updated the list per your Request..

I'm not going to open it or I'll have You saying something Smart ass, ELKCHSR giving you the thumbs up, TK would say something about ElkChsr, Elkhunter would type ROTFLMAO, Elkchsr would post a Smiley, You'd post a wise crack, Ithica and MD4me would talk about 4-wheelers, Another few Smilies from people and then Greeny will talk about how small his package is .. And the topic would go no-where from there.. Kind of like my post here

So that one Stays closed, But thanx
Moosie, et al... there are lots of other beautiful trophies that no one's mentioning. Things like waterbuck, bushbuck, and reedbuck in the deer/caribou sized department and the little antelope like duiker, klipspringer, and krysbok.

The orxy makes an awesome trophy as does a hartebeest (sp?) and any zebra...

Just my .02...
Moosie we dont care as long as temple doesnt have the same thing running around on his ranch for 4200.00 less

We really dont it will just be fun to spend some time there hunting with the old man....
You really read all these posts that well, so you know what people WILL do? You mean that some of these posts with Smilies and LOL are predictable, and not original thoughts? What about my smart a$$ comments? They are always worth reading....aren't they?

As for my list of game animals, the way I would think we should get with the outfitter is to list the 2-3 MUST animals, and then have the outfitter offer the other animals that he has access to, and would think we would like. I don't want my 5th choice animal to affect my ability to get my 2-3 must animals, if that makes any sense.

I guess I am proposing that I might even be happy with a Kudu cow for #5, vs. trying for some other animal that makes my Kudu bull (#1) less desirable.

Just my $0.03 cents (I am raising IndyJay's $0.02)
From an availability standpoint of big game we have all common plains species you would like except Springbok, fallow deer(exotic) and Black wildebeast.

There are some specailty animals like the little blue and red duikers and Vaal reabok,suni, lechwe,etc. These are not the typical fare of the first time plains game hunter.

We have plenty of the following animals:
red hartebeast
limited sable
Limited roan
blue wildebeast
grey duiker
Rhino for dart or rifle hunt
Those listed as "specialty" can all be arranged without a problem but will split the group as they are not native to the northern Province and we would have to travel to the areas they live naturally. Should anyone offer them all in one location.......well consider how they can do that!

If I forgot anything you have an intrest in post and I'll tell you where they live and how tough a hunt will be to get them.
I want an impressive-looking, dramatically marked antelope - a gemsbok, perhaps. Then just about any other trophies will do. I don't have my heart set on any particular trophy. I will probably be the easiest to please of the whole group.
Cali,... thats why I like hunting with ya

JJHACK, looks like stuff is coming together. I'll drop you an Email later this week. Things have been crazy here lately !!
Moose man,

Work this for me and not with Jon X or Sandhurst!

50 + Cape buff under 6k
Greater Kudu 45'+ cost 2 to 4 K
Black wilderbeast 1500 to 2 K
sable 49+=- 4 to 5 K

warthawgs, Impala under $ 150- + and I am in!

Forgot today, my Africa 2004 is cat only! leopard w/ hounds and lion by stalk.
Zimbabwe! At least that is what the niggers OPP"s sorry, that's what thenative "AFRICANS" call it now.
Still Niggers. ("Yoop will not let me post that" on the site)

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-09-2003 04:04: Message edited by: Thumper ]</font>

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