Yeti GOBOX Collection


What Caliber? (Blacktail Deer, Wild Pig, Elk, and Moose)

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if you have to buy a new rifle...
Put me in the .300 win mag camp.
It's my one Centerfire rifle

150 gr. for blacktails
180 grain Partitions for hogs elk and mule deer.
Moose? 200 gr? I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

You could do just fine with your '06 on all those species as well.

165 gr deer, hogs, bear
180 gr elk, moose
I am a huge fan of the 7 mag. Don't dig the rifle out as much as I used to. I have killed elk, blacktails, mulies, whitetails, and antelope with it. Put the bullet where it needs to be and it will take down anything on your list.
I may be biased but go with your 30-06 and a 270 or even drop to the 25-06 for the second. Use it or the 270 for all the lighter and long range stuff and the 06 is more than a match for Elk and Moose. I say I may be biased since I have an 06 and a 270 now as my primary rifles. Another nice thing is reloading is a snap with these two, as you can get some IMR4350 and never look back. Plus on your hunts you have a back up without getting into the weaker offerings or going for the big boom slammers. My personal choice is a Stainless Stalker in 270 with a 22 inch barrel and black stock while the 06 is more of a beauty that I cringe when taking into rough country, around salt water, rain forests, shale slides, etc.:eek:
Between those two though, I've got it covered.;)