Adventures with Moosie (as seen by the 'Gunner)

Geeze Moosie & Gunner,

Is that kind of stuff standard elk hunting equip? belays? Crampons?
I may need to re-think my list for ID
Or just throw in extra $$ for choclate shakes
JB Florida, there is one Vertical wall that We usually tie off on due to the Height and the complexity of the climb. It's only for safety and the fall isn't as bad as Falling down the Niagra falls which some YAHOO just did. Just bring your Insurance card when ya come. We have Satalite phones linked to LIFE FLIGHT St. Lukes Medical to take care of you if there is any problems. One thing I like about it, is Coming back out with an Elk... You toss the Reinforced game bags off the Cliff and they are tenderized for you when you get down there
Saves about 1-1.5 hours on the pack out.

There are other ways in but this 5.8 mile hike in is alot better then the other 24.3 mile trip around the backside. Although We have come out that way before, It isn't recomended with an elk on your back. But we can try when you're here ...

Ohhhh PS, don't let your Wife read this or she might think we're hunting rough stuff. And they temd to worry a bit more. Hell, My wife thinks we hunt Meadows and corn fields
Or you can tell her We're road hunting... Thats what Elkgunner said I did till I pulled out the Climbing equipment. BUuahahaha !!

CLICK on this link for some Pictures...

JB don't let 'em fool ya. The Lodge will make food deliveries to the top of the hill if ya tip them well. The elk come in every morning at 7:45 am when the corn feeder goes off. Pick the bull you want and drive your ATV up to it...

Good luck up there next week. I'd love to join you.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The elk come in every morning at 7:45 am when the corn feeder goes off. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

YAH... I wouldn't even worry about working out. No stair masters or jogging for ya.... Hell, I think the Sawtooth zone is one of the FLATTEST zones (If not the most flat) in the entire state to hunt elk...

HEll, We hardly get out of the Truck. Just ask DKO (By the way, where is he ? Heard anything ?). He will tell ya how close to the lodge we hunt. And we'll double the miles.. Errrrr "FEET" we walked when I took him
All you need to bring is your gun, and Lots of Sports tape to wrap your feet. Maybe a teddy bear to cry on at night when you get back to camp and miss your mommy.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>NOW Grant it, I didn't bring a map, and I didn't bring a Clock to wake us up. But I was Awake already and I don't need a Stinking Map for road hunting Funny thing is I have hundreds of $ in maps and box's full of them. I jsut didn't bring them... OVERRATED.
So I am sitting in a meeting yesterday at Work, and my phone rings. I see it is Moosie, so I ignore it....
On my way home I call Moosie, and see wazzzzup. He wants the name of the place that I showed him/told him where I think there are big bulls, but no one ever hunts, as he is LOOKING AT A MAP!!

The place he was looking for is a Huge big bowl, protectd on all 4 sides by some extreme geography and by the sheer size of it. I have heard stories of people nibbling around the edges of it, but nobody actually bailing into that mess, to whack something.

You would only want to kill the Bull of a Lifetime in there, as that may also be the cost...

JB, here is one picture of the Trail that I thought looked kinda cool. As you can see, it isn't that bad in all the places.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> but nobody actually bailing into that mess, to whack something. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


You make it seemed that I didn't know of the Place. I've talked about it for years. But like 99% of everyone else, It stopped at that. I just got wind of a guy shooting a nice bull that skirted the edge one morning.. If they're on the Edge, They're in the middle.

I might need some more climbing material... But there is a bull to die in there. And, It'll be a spike, and a Trophy one to boot. A bull of the lifetime !!!!!!
The Hole can definitely be hunted, and a buddy has dropped down 1/2 way in the Summer.

But you would just want to be picky on what you shoot, as if there is a big one in there, you just need to find it. No reason dropping a light racked 6, if the big one is there.

And you could probably make a pretty good livin', just nibbling around the edges on that place.

There is about 4 spots in Idaho that need tried, and that is one of the top 4.


Bring the Blender, I can keep it at my Camp, about 20 miles away...
Trail ?!?! We don't need a Trail. We will actually bend over a tree at the Lower end and Tie it off... We will then Climb aboard the tree and Then cut the rope holding it causing it to throw us 1/2 way up the mountain... this may Sound Dangerous but I've seen this done (And Safely I might add) on the cartoon network a million times. I'm very confident this will work.

Since it is Moosie's spot, let him get in the tree first, and then cut the rope for him...

The trail actually shows up much better, when the ropes are in place, you can see the handholds, the foot holds, and the free-climbing spots much easier. It just looks steep, because of the water fall... But most water falls are flat in Idaho, they just fall due to the Northern Lattitude, as you approach the 45th parallel. (Little known fact about Idaho's gravity system..)
Aren't crampons the steel spiked rigs you attach to your boots for walking on ice?
Pitons are the pins you place/pound into the face to hold your ropes. (I used to teach climbing... when I was young, skinny and crazy.) It was so refreshing to just jam your fist into a crack and hang there to relax...
"when the ropes are in place, you can see the handholds, the foot holds, and the free-climbing spots much easier"

Thanks Gunner,
I feel much better knowing this

I've never included any rope in my day pack before ...... I guess I'll take out that tool for opening oysters and squeeze in some extra rope

That bent over tree thing sounds PERFECT!
And HEY, I get a lot of my hunting ideas from the cartoon network too
Well, one thing is for sure, with the waterfall roaring in the background it should muffle the sounds of Moosie cussing the rocks and any short lived screams as tou plummet to earth.

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