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Adventures with Moosie 2009 Bear


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, every outing we go on it's like a Circus for one reason or another. This trip was no different.

When geese start hatching and walking around it is clearly bear hunting season. You have to love this time of year !!


We decided to go to a new spot this year (We've actually been here a couple years ago but never stuck it out due to all the work).

I have a friend that manages Little Caesars and have been collecting old Pizza's and dough. Nothing like giving the bears "Hot and Ready's" , Breadsticks .. and Pizza Sauce... MMmmm.


We also use Bacon/Cooking grease from a Friends restaurant's grease Vat. It was low yesterday so we really had to dig in to get some. by "WE" I mean Dr Andrews did !!


Really.. what more can I say but "YUUUUMMMY" !!


So up to the site we went....Waterflows were a "little" high.... OK, REALLY high.... but we weren't S'Keered one bit.


This isn't your Moma's bear site. We put in a lot of time, effort and hard work... and that's just to get there !!



So, this is where it get's a little fuzzy.... We kick off the bank and I let out a Victory Yelp. In Mid Yelp I'm like "OHH CRAP" as I see the OAR that Doc. is using slip off the holder, get past the safety piece to hold it in place.... and go BYE BYE.....

Now, He claims a Shark must have come up and gotten it and I didn't see one but I'm sure that is what might have happened.

I rip off my Jacket, take off my gloves and he yells for me to wait and we will catch it as it goes by.

We are faster then the oar and go downstream and finally get to the Side. I jump out and take off my Boots and Carter and Neil run up to the bank to find it.

In Hindsight, It was probably better that I didn't jump in, since it was 45 deg outside and I'm sure the water was only 33 degrees .... *hehe*

We spread out and it just isn't anywhere to be found. So, we go to the couple local raft shops, and they are closed and no one answers the phone. One place had Oars outside and I was goni to borrow one and comeback the next day and pay them a rental fee when they were in but we decided although we had good intentions.....I didn't want to go to jail.

We found someone in town that had paddles and we made it back. Doc Andrews on the one oar we had and Neil and me with paddles on the other side.

We were a ways down stream but made it up the mountain and to our site.

Now, in order to get bears in we like to spoil them a little...


We also bait right next to the Idaho Marshmallow tree.


By losing so much time trying to get across we didn't get out till after dark. We were also alot further down stream then we wanted to be. It was Steep and slippery but one heck of a way to start out the baiting season !!!

Very nice dude. I miss that a bunch. I can't wait for the baits to get it so we can start seeing the bear pics.

So did any bears hit your first batch of goodies?
Bugler, Nothing hit our site yet. It's a new Site and It's been raining and we didn't put a bunch of stuff up the first time. We're going to go up early next week again but really I don't think anything will show up till the following week.

Canoe: Nope, not dead, just living life ;)
cool moosie, hope it works out for the young'n, and I too am looking forward to photos. I've not made it out, dang spring soccer
About time you started bear hunting again.Can't wait for more pictures.
We have Trail cam Pics Finally....



....Of Elk :(

Took O-Town out tonight for his First Bear hunt. We saw deer and Elk and if nothing else, we started the Trip out right !!!

Awesome beginning for the little man. Glad to here the cameras are working for you guys. Did you put up both of them?
Moosie.. Do you start your bear hunts out by getting your nails done and a pedicure???:confused:;): First its grizz in flipflops now black bears with pedicures:D:D Dude!!!

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