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Adult Onset Hunter


New member
Jul 25, 2019
Hello All!

I am new to hunting. I recently purchased my first rifle a .308 AB3 Browning. I am finally able to pick it up this weekend and I plan to mount a 3x-9 scope on it. I recently completed my hunter education course and I am now able to purchase tags. I am in Northern California SF Bay area. The south bay specifically. I was curious if anyone here has any input on if I should purchase a B zone tag or an A zone tag. I am going to be doing public land hunting and I can't decide between the two. Any suggestions on what zone would be best for a new hunter? I was hoping to get a C zone tag as I have a friend up there but it seems like those go fast. Any advice is GREATLY appreciated. I am ready for a life of hunting.
Depending on how much time / enthusiasm you have, you can always purchase both. In CA you can have two deer tags. The General Seasons for the A and B zones pretty much run back to back. I hunt A zone, and I can tell you to expect warm temperatures, so plan accordingly. Most of the deer activity will be very early in the morning and late in the day at last light.

I've never hunted B zone, so can't really comment. I usually go with D13 for my 2nd tag as it's a short drive from my house.
Welcome. I am impressed with your fortitude in dealing with all of the extreme regulatory hurdles involved on gun ownership in cali.
Welcome, I really like the area N of the bay. There is some beautiful country there. The Muir Woods is almost magical when walking thru it for the first time. We also saw quite a few deer in there.

I can’t help you on tags as I have no knowledge of your hunting system. But I wish you the best of luck.
Welcome to the forum and the hunting community at large! You're well on your way to a lifetime of thrills, disappointments, happiness and hardships that are all more than worth it!
Buying both tags would make the most sense, especially with the difference in season dates. The biggest hurdle is finding a place to hunt. My advice is get both tags and check out a lot of country and find what suits you. Hopefully you have someone to go with that can show you the ropes. If you are going solo have a plan to care for a down animal if it happens, both zones have potential to be very hot. Opening weekend and the last week of the season are generally the best times. Good Luck. The learning curve can be steep. Keep expectations low and learn something every time out.
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