

If he brings all of that gear, then I wonder if the second condo will be in order!!!
But it probably will still be, your house would be packed each and every eve..LOL...
house,condo,what are we talking about exactly here ?

Thanks for the temp link,etc.nice
PC, last year there were 3 that came here for the predation hunt and stayed with me. this year more want to come. I do not have room but the condos where I live sleep 6 and go for about $125 a night. We were hunting anywhere from 5 min to 30 min from where I live. The hunt last year was the week of Thanksgiving. It isn't your typical hunt, but that can be had 30 minutes from me on the northern end of Teton Park. There are two camping areas up there. That is about 30 min from me.
Well,I'll camp out,if I can come.See,the problem is two fold.I have to have some buddies willing to go with me, because I don't have 4 wheel drive,nor do I have a 4 wheeler.Secondly,I have to have some buddies with me,because there's no way I can personally pack the meat out,the doc won't let me,nor will my wife,on account of I had a very mild stroke last year,so I have to avoid carrying anything over 40 pounds
[which,by the way,forced me to get circumcised last year

I can walk anywhere now without pain,as long as I go at my pace,thanks to surgery.I hunted for 25 years with really bad pain in my legs,until I had corrective surgery
[18 inches of goretex graft] done on my Aorta,to improve the circulation to my legs. I am used to hunt-walking 10 miles in a day,with hipboots on,because I spent 20 years hunting ducks along the riverbanks,and here we jumpshoot them,we don't decoy them [ there's not enough ducks].I haven't done that in awhile,but I'm sure I can hang tough and kill an elk if I can come.

I sure hope some of my buddies are willing to go with me.The problem is the predation hunt is the opening week of bucks only season here.Is it possible to hunt mule deer or whitetail bucks also during the predation hunt,if I have the tags [ are the tags available,and are they in the same area?]?

By the way,even if I don't get to go this year,I just want to say thanks to you and Elkchasr for inviting me, and you boys are welcome here anytime,we have some mighty fine eastern gobbler spring hunting here.
Might be able to even run a few more in there to run down the cost, they are very nice places to stay. It would be worth the cost and you can have more room in your truck to hual dead animals home..
Man,no way I could afford 125$ a night,I'll be lucky to get tags and pay the campground fees and have gas money,etc.
Elky, You just be sure to reserve my bed. Matt doesn't sleep out side anymore...

I'll even donate some Tomato Soup for the cake. Speaking of same, How's Lady Jane doing?

nut,if it means I gotta pay,you're nuts

What kinda cake takes tomato juice,I'd be skeered to eat it??

One of the problems me and my buddies were discussing is that for us it would be a 2 day drive,which means 4 days just to get out there and back.
Last year, Glen and I drove 19 hours each way. It was tough, but we pushed straight through..

It's tomato soup not tomato juice and it tastes like carrot cake... It's good.... Ask Elky.... (cept for the little dog hairs in the cake... that kind of ...well, nevermind..)

Com'on PC, give it a shot.. You'll like it...

Man,I'd deraly love to,I've already bought the rifle for it,the problems are as I've mentioned above previously,If I can overcome those I will definitely go
PC, if you can walk, or sit and shoot, that is all you need to do. If you are here when the others are here, don't sweat getting an animal out. Have you also forgotten that I have a horse?

You can pick Nut up on the way out and you would have a companion for the trip.

And tomato soup cake is more than just good, it is fantastic.
I kid you not.
Alright nut,let's make some plans.Wherabouts do you live ?
I'm anxious to go, just have to make some overtime money and work out some driving arrangements.I have a car and Ford Ranger for vehicles,either one could probably make the trip,though the Ranger is in the best shape.If I bring my grandson, it will be a tight fit in the Ranger,Nut!! But,I might talk one of my hunting buddies into coming with me,or loaning me there vehicle,we'll see.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-03-2003 11:58: Message edited by: PC Mechanic ]</font>
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