A Western-Style Shoot Out

There is a paradigm in hunting, you find in few other activities. Everyone has their idea and eventually that leads to a difference in tactics or ethics or both.

It is an observation to me that an elk tag will turn many people that ordinarily may be quite mellow and collected, into some sort of maniac. The closer you are to masses of people, the more this activity seems to become more apparent.

The internet is much the same way, only more people become the maniac with less chance of being exposed.

As far as hunting, it was mentioned in the original post about the "privilege" of hunting. When you require a license to drive or hunt, it is a privilege, but I would like to think hunting is more of a right. As long as it is regulated and people act like they do, this kind of activity will always create a negative image to observers as well as hunters.

I have seen the residue of these types of mass shootings, never observed it personally, but I don't like to see or hear of it.
hate that word "privilege". people who try to rule by granting "privilege"....well, I'd like to bend them over...
Caribou Gear

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