A Waterbuck Bull

Aspen Hill Farm

New member
Jun 22, 2001

This waterbuck gave me the slip a few times. I was hunting in South Africa on the edge of the Kalahari. We knew he was a good one but just could not get close. Finally, while looking for a decent blue wildebeest we spotted the bull peeking at us through the bush. He was facing full frontal and was about 75 yards out so it was going to be a tough shot. I used a tree for a rest and took aim. The bull sprinted off at the shot and we thought I had missed him.

At the site he was shot we found blood so we knew he was hit. There was not much of a blood trail so we thought I had just wounded him but we searched for a long while.

Waterbuck are known for their strong body odor so we decided to go further down wind to see if he could be scented. Sure enough my PH caught drift of his odor and we found the bull in some heavy cover not far from where I shot him. I was jumping for joy!

The sun was setting as we got photos so I have that "deer in the headlights" look but am obviously very happy with this beast. He has especially thick mass. Waterbuck do get longer horns but I have not seen any with as much mass as this one.

This is one animal I am having a shoulder mount done up on.

These antelope have hollow hair like deer.
Aspen, You look like you are haveing way to much fun. The last two pics show you with big grins. Hope it stay's this way....
Congrats... :D :D :D
It is such a great experience to hunt Africa. Once you go you'll wonder why you waited so long. That's why I am going back this year, and next year, and....

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-17-2002 09:51: Message edited by: Aspen Hill Farm ]</font>
If I didn't know better I could swear that Aspen is trying to tell us that she like to hunt Africa and that maybe if we tried it we would like it.
Sounds like you are hooked on it Aspen. Keep the stories and pictures coming and yu could sway a couple of us over there.

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