Well-known member
20 years ago this next week my dad left this earth.
His love for fishing - he was an absolute walleye fanatic - got me started into my life outdoors.
He never hunted - never shot a single animal in his life, but he encouraged my interest in it, trusted me enough to let me take off into the woods with a gun in my hand alone to look for squirrels, ruffies, and rabbits.
I am who I am today largely thanks to him.
He was a big Native American history buff, loved Indian tradition and ceremony - took part in them both. He had a skin neck pouch with some sacred items in it.
Fall 1997, after he died, I cached that pouch in a cleft on a cliff on a ridge overlooking MT's Gallatin Valley. I also hunted Blue Grouse that day up there.
Next weekend, plan to go back up to that lonesome place for a visit with him. Take either or both of my wire faced girls and hopefully shoot a few Blue Grouse.
Lotta' our Dad's got us into this stuff and we are the better for it.
This pic is of him back in the 70's at a favorite walleye haunt up MN's Gunflint Trail. He was a big man, and he liked to embellish things a bit.......

His love for fishing - he was an absolute walleye fanatic - got me started into my life outdoors.
He never hunted - never shot a single animal in his life, but he encouraged my interest in it, trusted me enough to let me take off into the woods with a gun in my hand alone to look for squirrels, ruffies, and rabbits.
I am who I am today largely thanks to him.
He was a big Native American history buff, loved Indian tradition and ceremony - took part in them both. He had a skin neck pouch with some sacred items in it.
Fall 1997, after he died, I cached that pouch in a cleft on a cliff on a ridge overlooking MT's Gallatin Valley. I also hunted Blue Grouse that day up there.
Next weekend, plan to go back up to that lonesome place for a visit with him. Take either or both of my wire faced girls and hopefully shoot a few Blue Grouse.
Lotta' our Dad's got us into this stuff and we are the better for it.
This pic is of him back in the 70's at a favorite walleye haunt up MN's Gunflint Trail. He was a big man, and he liked to embellish things a bit.......

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