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A Short Story About Landowner Permission Not Being Simple

Nameless Range

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Western Montana
Most of the time when I think about hunting/trapping on private land, it’s about legitimate permission and staying within that permission. I had an interesting issue last week that went beyond that, and into the dynamics between two landowners.

2 years ago I received permission from landowner X to trap muskrats on her property. She is an elderly woman, who “hadn’t been into that swamp for many years”, even though it is only a quarter mile down the road from her house.


In our initial conversation, she was very hesitant. Not only flummoxed by my mission- “What in the hell does a person do with a muskrat!?” She was very concerned that I stay on her property, and said so numerous times. The last thing she said to me was, “I do not want to get crossways with landowner Y.”

This fall, I once again got permission to trap on landowner X’s parcel and was once again reminded to not cross landowner Y. It’s only 6 acres, but pure beaver dams and muskrat huts filled with mink and whitetail and skunks. A really cool place, and I assured her I would stay on her parcel.

As I was hiking out of the swamp last week, a man stopped on the road and yelled at me. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing!?” I explained what I was doing and where, and he accused me of trespass. I had both the parcel boundaries on my phone (OnX), as well as the certificate of survey in a pdf, which I do for any private parcel I gain permission on. Despite the fact that I held a 20 lb spud bar and was 30 years younger than him, he became aggressive, and I wondered if it escalated if laying flat a senior citizen was in my future. He hollered that he didn’t “give a..” what was on my phone, and he would be telling his “gal” (landowner Y). I said that was fine, and would be happy to give him my number so she could call me. He floored it down the road a hundred yards. Slammed on his breaks, and backed up, wanting that number.

Landowner Y called, and admitted her proxy was in the wrong, but she was still upset. She went on about all the BS she has dealt with over the years in terms of trespass and poaching, which I am sure is all true. She doesn't want people accessing landowner X's place because "they just come onto mine". Landowner Y is a powerful individual in the community in which I am trapping. Landowner X is an elderly woman who lives in a trailer that just inherited this property from her late husband. Landowner Y employs some of landowner X’s family. Landowner Y said she was going to call landowner X and demand a survey be done and maybe fences put up and tell her she shouldn’t allow me to trap. I know this is not how it works.

I talked her out of this by telling her I would pull my traps and that I hoped she wouldn’t drag landowner X into this because she was just a nice lady who was very hesitant to begin with who had done something nice for me. Landowner Y agreed to these terms.

It was a fun spot to trap, close to my house, and my kids and I had a lot of fun down there. One could say, and it was a voice on my shoulder, that I was given permission and was not trespassing and that is that and pounding sand is always an option for Landowner Y. If you don't like what a neighbor is doing or access they are allowing, that's a personal problem. But when dealing with neighbors it seems there’s just more to consider. Perhaps I should've brought landowner X into the discussion and see how she felt, but that seemed to come with risk that was clearly not desired from the get-go.

The next afternoon when I was pulling my traps, the man who hollered at me stopped. He walked up to the fence and I thought “here we go again.” Instead, a teary-eyed apology was delivered, which I accepted.

It's both unfortunate and at base wrong, but I’m not heartbroken over it, and it expanded what I think about when acquiring permission. Honestly, now the kids and I get to explore somewhere new.

It was a cool little spot.

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Is it in human DNA to be Lord's over little fiefdoms? It really seems like about half the people that own land end up developing something not so short of a God complex. It also seems that "land managers" or relatives of the actual landowners seem to get the most worked up about this sort of stuff. In your case, it was the guy who didn't even own the land. Ridiculous.
It took great restraint to handle this the way you did, and I'm sure many of us wouldn't have done nearly as well. It speaks volumes to your composure and influence that the character that started this train wreck in motion apologized, with teary eyes nonetheless. Impressive!
Well played. At a minimum I would thank Landowner X and tell her why you will no longer be trapping on her property and thank her for the opportunity. Give her your number, maybe something will change down the road.

Definitely. Last year I followed up with her after the season and will again this year. I'm not wishing for anything, but unless science cures aging, the ownership of these parcels will be changing sooner than later.

30-some years ago, I went with my father to ask permission to hunt on a guy's property. On his doorstep, there was an adminant and unfriendly "no". We left both politely and respectfully. When we got home, dad received a call that the guy had changed his mind. I think how we received a response we weren't hoping for influenced that. I'm not holding my breath for anything like that, but I did not present myself negatively to any of the parties involved.
Neighbors and property lines make folks crazy, sprinkle hunting in there and it's usually a mess. I wish everyone handled it as well as you did.

30-some years ago, I went with my father to ask permission to hunt on a guy's property. On his doorstep, there was an adminant and unfriendly "no". We left both politely and respectfully. When we got home, dad received a call that the guy had changed his mind. I think how we received a response we weren't hoping for influenced that. I'm not holding my breath for anything like that, but I did not present myself negatively to any of the parties involved.
3 weeks ago a buddy and I were initially told no at the door. After a brief discussion she changed her mind since her normal hunters hadn't been around in a while. We shot a deer a short while later, came back to the house to let her know, offered her some meat, and said thanks. She was pleasantly surprised that we took the time to come back at all, nevertheless offer her meat. We were given permission to return next year for more late season doe hunting.
The thing that sucks the most about this is that it reinforces to landowner Y that intimidation is a successful strategy for impeding access to land they don't own. Good on you to realize that the outcome is that way whether you voluntarily stop your access or fight her on it.
@Nameless Range, good for you in how you handled the situation. It is nice to see in this day and age that all confrontations like this don't have to end up in a pissing match.

Definitely go and talk to your elderly friend and explain everything. Never know what the outcome will be in the future. I have good friends that befriended an elderly lady that had a 40 acre inholding in a federal game range. She had a problem bear raiding her chickens, he killed the bear. A few years later when she had decided it was time to go to assisted living, they were offered the property at a killer deal.
The thing that sucks the most about this is that it reinforces to landowner Y that intimidation is a successful strategy for impeding access to land they don't own. Good on you to realize that the outcome is that way whether you voluntarily stop your access or fight her on it.

I've thought about that and am bothered by it. Some situations, in terms of probability for how they are likely to turn out, don't have a "good outcome" either way. If landowner X were a different person, say like some other landowners I've gained permission from, I absolutely would've been defiant. I do wonder what would happen if I was.

I don't know if I did the right thing, but put into an equation: My desire to continue trapping there + my belief in what's right did not feel greater than my desire to not bring the stress to landowner X that I thought was likely to come her way.
I think you did the right thing, your odds of gaining access elsewhere are higher since you didn't escalate the situation. I would have been looking over my shoulder from there on out anyway. That is no fun.
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