Kenetrek Boots

A revolutionary bow?


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
A cut and paste from a TV hunting personality a couple days ago:
The trip to Africa was great and due to a death warning from Bowtech, I can not post any of the pictures from the archery kills. The reason is that I am using a new bow that is not going to be out until October. There is only one like it in the world and it is pictured in every one of the animal photos that I used it on.
The pictures will be posted after October 1 though. Please understand that anyone looking at the pictures (that understands anything about bows) will notice that this new bow is so special, so different and the technology is so far advanced that it needs to be protected until it hits the market.
I can tell you this. This new bow (which does not even have a name as of yet) was delivered to the office by an armored truck delivery service with armed guards. The technology is highly protected and very confidential at this point. If the competition could see this thing, then the new launch would not be as much of a success.
I am blown away with this new bow as it out performs all other bows I have ever shot. I shot it on an audio meter and it is by far the most quiet bow that Bowtech has ever come out with. It shoots so smoothly that when you shoot another bow, you can really tell a difference even with your eyes closed.
I just got back from using it in Montana and did a prairie dog/gopher video with it. If you have ever thought about purchasing a new bow, this could be the one you thought could never be built. It is unbelievable.
Thanks for looking over some of the Africa pictures and I think you'll really like the shows we did from there.

What do you think this new bow will cost? Too much for me, is what I think. He said he hit the block target everytime practicing with it at 100 yards the other day. He filmed a Montana prairie dog hunt show with it the week before.
The trip to Africa was great and due to a death warning from Bowtech, I can not post any of the pictures from the archery kills.

Yeah, sorry, the guy lost me right there.:rolleyes: Do you believe that Bowtech would threaten the guy's life, and he would still be a willing endorsement? It's BS, Tom.
Every year, every archery company comes out with a new bow that they claim will ;

"Revolutionize the industry, blow you away, smoothest, fastest, quietest bow every made".
99.9% hype, plain and simple.

Give it a year and a half and you'll be able to buy a used one for 40% of what they cost new. A year after that it will blow up and the factory will no longer carry parts.
Its part BS, but I'm sure the contract is for real, he can't reveal anything about it. I guess we'll see next Oct. I'm sure its quiet, if he says its quiet. Its not Bowtech saying these things, its a TV hunter who uses their bows now.
If its quieter and if it shoots faster, that's not BS is it?

It seems to be both faster and quieter, it probably has other benefits too.

Its more than BS, its a modern engineering marvel.
A little faster and a little quieter probably. There's a Bowtech diamond that is already at 324 fps IBO in the BassPro catalog. They have the fastest compound I heard. They're doing good with those modern marvels. I'll stick with my old one, but I don't mind learning something about the new ones. The main problem is I have too many spears, bows, and firearms to hunt with now.
Bowtech, Elite and PSE all have top end hunting bows that get into the 340s IBO.
No dout, Bowtech makes some great bows.
I am just saying I tend to listen to unbiased test reports. Writers for most magazines that accept big dollar advertising from archery companys are low on my list of reliable sources.
I wonder who paid for the African hunting trip ?
Not saying it's a "conspiracy" or anything I'm just saying "The Block" just came out with a new target rated at 400 fps. Maybe they are getting ahead of the power curve, so to speak, I'm certain 400 fps will be the next barrier to get broken. Maybe Bowtech has done it already. I about shit a kitten when PSE came out with the X force @ 350 fps.
The PSE is 350? Who did that test? New bows are so high tech, I haven't kept up a lot of years. I just got a drop down rest, but have to install it. You think it will make a difference? Maybe it requires a faster bow with some modern characteristic. Is there a map somewhere of all the compound bow improvements over say the last 20 years for an old guy like me?

280 is right, its Keith Warren's new bow, but I trust him when he says that its quieter and faster. A guy like that has used so much different equiptment, its good to be able to talk with them, they do have a lot of experience.

There's no substitute for those objective imparial observer type tests though. Who supplies the equiptment for those though? They may not be so imparial, eh?

PSE is at 350? Where's that from?
280 is right, its Keith Warren's new bow, but I trust him when he says that its quieter and faster. A guy like that has used so much different equiptment, its good to be able to talk with them, they do have a lot of experience.
He also gets paid for using their product and gets paid to say things like "quieter" and "faster". Maybe the descriptions are accurate, but I ain't taken Keith word on it alone.
I don't think its in the contract that he has to say the new bow is quieter and faster. He said he measured it also. You can wait till someone you know and trusts measures it, that's fine with me.

Do you know anything about the PSE being 350 fps IBO or any bow for that matter?

What matters is how we shoot it, that's the main thing, for sure.
In less time then it took you to type that post you could have googled pse x-force and read all the reviews you want to about it
No shit, thanks, I didn't know that. The question is, where does the 350 come from?

Its just a round up piece of bs is what I'm thinking. Even PSE says the top IBO is 348

IBO Speed: 348-340

Sometimes it appears people don't read these posts.

My point is everybody has their agenda, everybody has stuff they get paid for with equiptment or whatever. Did anybody get that? 340 fps is not 350, neither is 348.

What about the question on a chart with the history of modern compound bows, cams, rests, strings, etc. Got a good link for that?

This article puts the old 2005 Bowtech bow at 350 fps but the newer PSE at 346 and it goes through the math to get to 400 fps.
Keith needs the speed when he chases his quarry into the corner of the high fence
My point is everybody has their agenda, everybody has stuff they get paid for with equiptment or whatever. Did anybody get that? 340 fps is not 350, neither is 348.

Damn now Pete Shepley is going to be pissed that I got found out. DAMMIT! Hope he still kicks down with that X-Force he promised me for bumping the speed of his bow by two friggin feet per second. I'm sure that guy, that read my post earlier hauled ass to the nearest bow shop to get that PSE bow that shoots 350 fps, and not a paltry 348 fps.

GEEZUZ losing your grip a bit, maybe.
P.S. The point of my original post was there is now a Block target rated for 400 fps. Why would that be an issue now, unless a bow that goes 400 fps IBO, or otherwise, was due to be released.

Missed that when you started shitting kittens over two feet per second did you?
Tom leave heeler alone...he's a Modocer and he can't even count to 350 :eek: :D :D

348-350...who cares. The injuns killed those big shaggeys with bows so slow you could fuggin near catch the arrow out of the air. I've got a rock wall in the backyard that I'm sure is rated to stop an arrow at 550-600 ... that's GOTTA be the next milestone hump