A reminder!


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
It is essential to successful hunting in very cold weather, that you clean the inside of the bolt and firing pin to remove any residual grease, BEFORE going into the field. Otherwise you could find yourself sitting across a canyon from a 180 class buck who is quietly walking away from you when you lay the cross hairs of the scope between his shoulder blades and squeeze the trigger and hear a deafening "CLICK" instead of the expected "BANG"!

Nuff said..

Doesn't sound like that will happen again. Thanks for the reminder and sorry to hear about a missed chance. Happened to a buddy of mine about three yrs ago. Real bummer.
Dad did the very same thing up in the kaibab in 1989. big buck 40 yards put the 7mm to his shoulder pulled the trigger and it went click. buck sat there and looked. he rebolted again , pulled the trigger and click buck took off running.
Happened to me in Utah once, not a 180, but a decent buck. 10% below, deer at 150 Yds, click. I stood stunned, then worked the bolt. The buck started running, but the second time I pulled the trigger, bang and the buck went down.
Cold guns

I saw a fox coming across a windswept lake. I crawled to a vantage spot. When things looked right I squeezed. Click, again click.Third time was a charm. lesson learned.
Saw one big buff in the back of a truck. The cape and skull were in excellent shape, but the meat looked like it had been dragged out behind a truck. The hunter was obviously not interested in anything but the trophy. Sad story.. Didn't see any on the hoof, but we did find where they had gone through. About a mile south of Parrissawampits in the bottom of a canyon and up the south side, it looked like someone had drug a 6000 pound sled through. The ground was torn up, bushes pushed over/smashed down, general chaos everywhere. Interesting to think that these critters used to roam by the millions across the central plains.

However late, I am happy to report that the grease and oil from the bolt of my new weatherby is now happily residing on a rag under the work bench. The firing pin, spring and bolt body are now pleasantly dry lubed and ready to go.. Only thing I need now is another tag..