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A Raiders Fan that Loves to Hunt and Fish from New York

Welcome! Long time Raider fan here. Can’t beat tailgating in Oakland. Now gonna be Las Vegas. That’s gonna be different. I love my 870 too.
@JustinsDad I love both my 870s and yeah Oakland was a fun tailgate. LV should be interesting. Some of the best tailgating I have been a party to though is with Bills fans. Google "Pinto Ron" also known as "Pinto Kenny" some time. I used to have a ball visiting his tailgates.
@JustinsDad I love both my 870s and yeah Oakland was a fun tailgate. LV should be interesting. Some of the best tailgating I have been a party to though is with Bills fans. Google "Pinto Ron" also known as "Pinto Kenny" some time. I used to have a ball visiting his tailgates.
Looking at your other rifles I bet most people on here have a 10-22. Very popular and for good reason. Bummer California outlawed the big magazines but still fun to shoot. I have a Weatherby Vangard as well but mine’s in 270. I will google Pinto Ron
I figured since I have already been responding in various forum threads, I would just go ahead and introduce myself. I am in my 50s and a Raiders fan from Upstate NY, go figure. I have a few things I am passionate about, they include football, hunting and fishing.

Growing up I lived in several places including Upstate NY, Michigan, Poland and Korea. I won’t go into details but no I was not an Army brat but did move because of my father’s career. I graduated high school in Korea.

My love for hunting started when I was 14 when I was able to get a hunting license in NY. My grandfather gave me his shotgun and it was all go from there. At 16 I was able to start big game hunting and found my love for whitetail hunting. While I now live in Nevada, I still travel back to NY to hunt with friends.

For a career I do database programming and especially enjoy business intelligence programming, but I still think of myself as a work to live person versus a live to work individual.

I have not done enough hunting since I have moved out west and am looking to change that in a major way. I did draw a Nevada mule deer tag last year and to make a long story short, I learned what not to do. That experience leads me to start looking into YouTube videos of hunting in Nevada on public land. This naturally led me to find Randy Newberg’s videos. I became hooked and watched them all, then watched the Amazon Fresh Tracks series. While watching I heard mentioned HuntTalk and well now here I am.

Fun things I have been a part of in my life besides many awesome whitetail hunting seasons include attending the Houston Oilers at Buffalo Bills playoff game, which some of you older folks may remember as the comeback game. The whole story surrounding that game and why I got to see it all will be a story for another time.

As I learn more about hunting out west, I find myself really fascinated with pronghorn antelope and look forward to the first time I draw a tag. Obviously, I am looking forward to eventually hunting elk and if the opportunity ever presents itself sheep and goats.

I don’t currently but eventually want to get into reloading. I do mount scopes when I need to on my firearms. I like tinkering, do as much work on my vehicles as I dare to, though as I get older I find I let shops do my oil changes but I usually go ahead and do brake work myself, it is fun for me.

I am going to list out the firearms I own, and you will see I do like variety and will own more I am sure. I will list them in order of caliber, smallest to largest and I imagine it will draw laughs as I do tend to go economical. So, without further ado.

Ruger 10/22 Stainless Steel – 22 Rimfire
Savage Axis II – 243 For my step daughter to shoot and hunt with
Weatherby Vanguard – 25-06 My plan is to use this for antelope
Savage Axis II – 7-08 My better half's rifle but I find myself using it when she isn't
Ruger American – 308 I wanted a 308. Plan on using it in NY this year to whitetail hunt
Marlin XL7 – 30-06 My first ever rifle purchase. Have killed a number of deer with this
CVA Wolf Muzzleloader – 50 caliber Bang, smoke
Mossberg 500 – 12 gauge Killed more deer with this than any other firearm
Remington 870 Express – 12 gauge Was going to eventually replace the Mossberg but then NY legalized rifles where I hunt
Remington 870 Wingmaster – 12 gauge Belonged to my former father-in-law, will eventually go to my son, a beautiful looking shotgun
Savage 1928D Pump – 12 gauge My first firearm, belonged to my grandfather and will eventually belong to my grandson.

I am looking forward to a ton of interaction with people on this forum and discussing any relevant topics from shooting to hunting to fishing to football and any other subject that draws my interest.
Go raiders
Great intro horrible choice in teams but at least you guys cut AB before having to pay him 30million. Welcome
Thanks to all the recent responses. Not an HT veteran but been around over a year. Great forum!
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