A quick drop in and Hi

Good to see you are still checking in on us! I had been wondering from time to time if you were still hunting much these days. Looks like you and the next generation are doing just fine. You ever get over our way, we will put you up. We eat beef.
Good to see you and the family are doing well. Wow 2 bulls in one day congrats.

Heard the Moosie Dam to Dam swim mentioned on Idaho's Money Show 99.1.
Wowzer. That pic of your family makes me feel old. I think the first time I was at your house you only had 2 or 3 kids...
Challenge accepted !!!!! Hey Fin, my girl says hi ;)

Miss me still ? :eek:


...another Moosie's Cottillion School grad?:)

Always enjoy your posts and pics Oscar.
I still have this site bookmarked as Moosie's.

NIce to see he still doing well. I have always respected that Moosie and many of you always involved their family in their hunting. Just seemed right!
Putm, it is a hellova haul. But I have to do something to keep in shape for hunting ;)

Crittergitter, Yah, My wife is proud of that picture ;) She had hurt her finger so I told her "Show dad your hurt finger". :)

BobbyDean, Appreciate the kind words. I thought as the kids get older I'd have even more time but I'm hopping from one event to the next. Good times though !!

BlacktailBC, That's Funny !!!! There has been a lot of people come and go. Big stick is one of the top 12 for sure !!!

Noharley, Great to hear from you too. If nothing else, I'm always good to push the envelope and post a funny picture. I should dig up some more. But I'm sure BigFin can only handle so much of me ;)

MtMuley/Acon, I'm not the only one that lives it up around here. There are pleanty of clown. You guys needed young blood anyways. My bad spellnig and old jokes needed renewing :D

Pointer, how many rug rats are at your place ? Assuming you are still living with the mail order bride and have some ankle biters around ?

I was wondering where you went... I thought you may have got divorced and ran off with Jose... since they passed those new laws and all... nice to see your ok. yours truly Carlos Javiar [aka CJ]:D
Great to see you posting again Moosie! Glad to see you and your family are well.