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A proud Roosevelt bull!

Joe Hulburt

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Oregon Coast
My wife and I set a trail cam about a week ago and I explained to her the reason I put it right there is because a big old Roosie bull was going to come up out of the canyon looking for cows and I would get his photo. Checked the cam yesterday morning and he was there at 6:31 the evening before. A bull bugled shortly after from the direction he was headed and I spent half the day calling and waiting to no avail. My experience is that when they get this BIG they are not easy.

Anyhow, I thought some of you Montana folks would like to see what a big bull elk is supposed to look like! :D

BTW - It is legal to use trail cams here in Oregon during the season. Not that they help any! In fact they screw me up more than anything. I need to move on but it's hard to now even though I know this bull could be several miles away by now. :confused:
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The other reason I put the cam there is because there are two giant rubs right behind the bull that I found fresh last season after I tagged out. I knew they were made by a special kind of bull....
He's nice! Looks like he crowns on his right side. Best of luck!
I found him in the canyon near where that photo was taken today. I had slinked along about .5 miles almost perfectly silently and set up to call when I got to a spot I thought he might have bedded down.

I set up and did a few light cow calls and waited.....within 20 seconds I saw a flash of yellow in a sunny spot about 80 yards down the hill and was able to see his crowns above the brush. He crowns on both sides. Looks to be a 7 by 7 but may only be 7x6. Either way he is a giant OLD bull and he just evaporated on my. Checked my cam on the way out and two other hunters were in there last night. He has a series of giant rubs along the top that you can probably spot from google earth! Tends to attract a lot of attention when they do that. :confused:

I think my plan now is to sit on the line of rubs and hope he has a little whitetail in him and he comes by again to check them. based on the number of rubs he spends a fair amount of time cruising the top...

Thanks for the well wishes! Just glad to have a chance to hunt a bull like that. :)
Disclaimer: I've never hunted roosevelt, but I've hunted call shy bulls. Try this: Don't call at all. Try getting in his bedroom and then pick up a stick and start rubbing a tree. I've had a couple big bulls come in and take a look.

Good luck!
If there are other hunters in there and the bull is in there still, and you have been seeing him..... GET OUT THERE AND HUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Good luck, should be a fun season for you, nonetheless!!
We Montanans are used to seeing pictures of big DEAD bulls.Better get after him and get us some pics.:D:)
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