
A Poor Elk Hunter With A Good Elk Tag

Fantastic and well done. Thanks so much for sharing the whole journey with us. The finale sure was worth the wait.
Wow I want to thank you for taking all the time this year updating your thread. I truly did enjoy it what a beautiful place. You made the most out of that tag and I could not even begin to imagine taking a rutting bull at two yards.
Truly epic hunt of a lifetime! Congratulations!!!!!
Outstanding write up! Thanks for taking the time. I think my heart was racing while reading the part about the 2 yard shot - although, probably not as much as yours was! Congrats on a great hunt and a great bull!
Just want to echo the sentiment that the hunt execution and final encounter are what hunters across the world dream of. I sure respect you as a hunter, and story teller.

Keep up the passion and I hope you have more memorable adventures like this in years to come!
Boy do I wish that my time machine was not out of order right now.......if it was functional I would go back in time, and send you a head mounted Go-Pro to capture those moments of him crashing down towards you, pushing past the last tree and slamming on the breaks at 4 yards, skidding to a stop at 72 inches.

I love the savoring of the hunt with your tease video as well. Very well impishly played sir!

(Tip of the hat to the ranch owner for the access)
Just re-read this thread from start to finish. Great write ups of each day.
I'd love to see an elk at 6' one day; amazing experience!

The video tease was really cool; best post of the thread in my book!

Nameless, I just want to compliment you on a few things:

1) Obviously, great job and great hunt. Congratulations on a beautiful animal. I'd kill (an elk) for that opportunity :)

2) You're a really outstanding writer. The story would have been great even with a dryly written report, but your command of the keyboard brought the story to a new level.

Thanks for taking the time to allow us to live the hunt vicariously.
Well now that this thread reached its zenith, what are we going to read? I greatly enjoyed the ride. Some takeaways I got from subscribing: Vivid reminder that the harvest is not the hunt, in the same way that an exclamation point is not the sentence. And that is why certain tags are so hard to draw. Inches of antler are insignificant as a measure of the hunt.

Many thanks, Nameless Range. I imagine you hated to see it end.
Congrats! Maybe someday I'll draw that tag. Been putting in since I was 12. I know quite a few people that make tag soup out of that tag because they are wanting a 360+ bull and while it can happen, it doesn't. I've told many friends when I draw the tag, the first good looking 6 point is getting shot (and maybe even a large 5. I have a special place in my heart for a large 5). Congrats!
Do you remember which pin you used for that shot? Probably all of them. Congrats on a great bull and thank you for the updates as it was a pleasure following along with you.

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