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A million rounds of ammo?

I know legitimate, upstanding citizens including doctors and lawyers with numbers that could rival or exceed these, so quantities by themselves aren’t too revealing. Illegal or nefariously
obtained is a different story. And as for investment purposes, I have heard of people legally obtaining machine guns for this reason. No capital gains tax and a helluva good time until then.
93 boxes of ammo per gun, or 4600 rounds.
A little extra compaired to barrel life.
The tax to go to the US Supreme Court will be rather steep.
Interesting: Sooo many firearms of various types and not a single Federal Agency involved.

Only California State AG / LE action.

"The suspect is alleged to be legally barred from owning weapons."

Leads to the idea the following may have taken place that restricts a person's ability to own/possess firearm(s), "...were placed under a domestic violence or other restraining order..."

In California, a simple civil TRO (temporary restraining order) may be filed by any person against another based on shear allegation... Thus unable to own/possess a firearm in the interim.

The other reasons would likely involve some cooperative State/Federal enforcement.

"The APPS database works to identify individuals who lawfully procured firearms and later became prohibited from owning or possessing them."

I'd imagine the reason Feds were not involved, the person held an FFL, 03-08 as the only "suspected" explosives turned out to be inert grenade style units.

Just a guess - no Federal? Odd.


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