PEAX Equipment

A little gluttony before sensibility.

I think it’s so cool you are showing folks how amazing wild game can be, @jryoung . We’re there people there who hadn’t had deer or elk before? I imagine there were some interesting conversations about hunting, and you maybe won some people over who may have written it off before then.

Most people had deer but had never eaten two types of deer and I don't think anyone had eaten pronghorn before though it was also kind of lost in the braise.

I've done many dinners like this in the past with people who don't eat a lot of wild game and it's awesome to see people surprised and how good wild game can be. Folks that had okay to mediocre to downright bad experiences in the past are the most surprised. I tell them that usually poor tasting wild game is likely 90% human error somewhere along the way.
think how bad of a rap cows would get if the only way to eat them was by individuals going out into fenceless fields, shooting them, cutting them up, putting them in trucks with coolers (hopefully), bringing them home and/or dropping them off at local meat processors with hundreds and hundreds of other folks.

i'd up that rate to like 98% human error, even before the kitchen, is why wild game can be off tasting.

i'm drooling @jryoung, but why no fine single malts??