A Great Place To Be During These Trying Times


Mar 29, 2020
You know guys this has been such a great place to be on these days when most are home wondering what is happening next with this Covid-19 Virus.
Well! sitting here and thinking of the few threads I have written and the very nice polite reply's I get, accept for those whom correct my spelling or long threads I seem to write. Making it all much worth wild to be here.
In these trying times when we can enjoy or in some cases not enjoy some threads we all have one thing in common and that is we are hunters and Fisherman whom have I hope have learned to respect one another.
The reply's I get have been just great, we get to spend the time in need to enjoy the hunts of each and everyone of us have.
All in different locations listening and learning from one another.
I had written a thread on Brant hunting and at 72 learned from a young man something I had never thought about. That was, why? Brant don't or will not decoy using all the right techniques to get the birds In. Making me want to Play with this a little more putting myself in a place that the birds really don't use but pass to go where they want to be and see if I can get these birds in or there reactions too.
I guess what I wanted to say is were all never to old to learn, even though on the internet we can all enjoy the company of hunters all around the US. There ways of hunting, the different birds, from the different locations and how we all do things a little different. Very, Very interesting. I want to thank each and everyone of you Hunters for your input, young and Old to make us all much better Hunters.. Thank You All. sculler72 166096_1595991656745_5841454_n[1].jpg
Some people express themselves more effectively via written format, particularly younger people it seems like. I like the ability to rephrase things, reflect on my intent prior to submitting the post, etc. Some folks, especially those who didn't grow up with this technology in front of them, have a little more trouble.

My grandfather, with an 8th grade education was one of the wisest men I knew. He wouldn't have been able to type or spell worth a lick though on a forum like this.

As long as you post with good intentions and in a positive manner, folks will read and appreciate the share, I'm sure in a much greater number than those who want to nitpick a person's spelling and punctuation.
I Thank You for that. I am one of those whom You chat about. I Ramble, My punctuation and spelling is defiantly not up to par. But I love the folks that do as I in this world, Hunt and Fish.
I have had the pleasure to chat with both young and old and picked up on a couple things that surly made me wonder about.
So my stories might be a little on the long side of things, My spelling might not be perfect as is my Punctuation, But! I just enjoy what we all seem to have with one another on this site.
We all seem to love the outdoors along with the hunting and fishing that we all cherish.
So LCH thank you for letting me feel, maybe its not the most important thing if we are not the scholar as many others here.
Thank you sir sculler72
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