Bruce A. Kennedy
New member
Tim was in Tucson this morning, for a 1,000 yard shooting match. Afterwards, he came by and paid a visit for 2-3 hours. We had a great visit and HE depleted my Budweiser Cache to the point I will have to take out a 2nd morgatge to replace it.
Just kidding Tim.
Anywho, I had to get a picture of him and his new "Coyote Gun". I am here to tell ya, the bullets for this thing look like sticks of dynamite.
This is a beautiful rifle and I would be proud to own it.
Take care and enjoy.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-09-2003 17:17: Message edited by: Bruce A. Kennedy ]</font>

Anywho, I had to get a picture of him and his new "Coyote Gun". I am here to tell ya, the bullets for this thing look like sticks of dynamite.

Take care and enjoy.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-09-2003 17:17: Message edited by: Bruce A. Kennedy ]</font>