NEW SITKA Ambient 75

A funny thing happened to me on the way home from the DMV.


New member
Mar 4, 2002
I spent the whole morning still hunting a piece of woods today, and never got off a shot. After about six hours in the woods, I packed it up and went home to take my 15 year old daughter to get her driving permit. On the way home, right at the top of the freeway off ramp, about a mile from the house, in the middle of the ramp, was a huge 12 point buck! What was he doing there, you ask? He was mounting a doe, and could care less about the cars that were passing him at sixty plus miles an hour. I told my daughter to look at the deer, and all she could say was, eeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! The're humping! How disgusting! This was the second biggist deer I have seen in Maryland. I would guess him to go about 225 lbs. on the hoof. How come you can't find these guys when you are ready with your bow?
Well, maybe next time.
You can't find them while hunting because you haven't been still hunting any freeway offramps! :D

Seriously, what a bummer!

That is a big bummer..I notice I don't see much when I am trying in earnest to get some thing, but as soon as you just start stomping in another direction with no thought of hunting, you jump them every where... :D