JB, what kind of camera are you using? have a moultrie, and it doesn't do the color photos at night. BTW, you better shoot that first one. nice looking rack there.
JB, looking at the wide one. guessing here: spread-24", mains-24", G3-8", G2-12", brows-6". 24,24,24,8,8,12,12,6,6=124? can't really see a good circumferance picture, so not adding that. and noticed the 2 different deer. the ones not as wide.
1 Pointer, maybe the best chance now during the chase rut. The Red eyed rut is about to kick in. And after the rut, IF it gets cold they will be on the move during the last hour of daylight looking for food.
Just glad I dont have any pictures of a true giant.....wouldnt be able to sleep.
Good luck!!! If/when I get back to whitetail country I will definitely be getting a few trailcams, they just look like too much fun.
My dad always had good luck the second week of Nov. bowhunting over a mock scrape that he would start about Halloween. 7 bucks in 7 years in a row on the last day of early archery season out of the same tree...