This is the 5X6 rag I passed on, I know, I know, I shoulda whaked him, hindsite is 20/20. This photo was taken at about 120 yds, at one point, I called him into a lazered 29 yds, standing broadside with his head behind a tree. Easy shot, but I was still dreaming of the monster bull I had seen the day before.
Well, the truck is all packed with my stuff, now I just need to get Moe's and Mike's in there. The knives and zip saw are ready and the game bags are clean. The muzzleloader is sighted in, but only about 1 1/2 inches high at 100 - I wanted to go a little higher, but it took all day and the range closed at 5 PM on Saturday. It seems to hit about a foot low at 200 yards - does that seem right to you muzzleloader experts? It is a .50 caliber 348 gr Powerbelt bullet over 110 gr of Pyrodex.
Weather looks good, although the thunderstorms may provide more water holes for the elk.
Raybow.......I have snow ordered for the next hunt in 3 and Acon were on a tight budget and couldn't aford any last go 'round........
Draftstud.............that is the baby guys rated the master-suite.............will make the one in the pic look like the out-house