Yeti GOBOX Collection

A Dream Becomes Reality

I watched the videos this weekend. I really enjoyed the show. I especially liked the part at the end about running out of health before you run out of money. It made me really think about what I should be doing instead of what I am doing. The pictures are even better than the film and drive that point further.
Appreciate you taking the time to type the story in, that was alot of work. Congrats on a successful hunt and sharing the story personally
Congrats on fulfilling a life-long dream Randy! You've had some great field photos before but that one with you and the caribou with the sun going down is simply epic!
You are a great story teller!
So happy for you.
Memories for a lifetime!
Just watched this episode, was wondering #big fin
Will try to find time this week to write down my recollection of the remaining six days of the hunt.
Just watched this hunt, you had the hours of travel to get to the destination and were lucky enough to have an awesome bull cross your path on the way to camp. Part of me was wondering if you had any disappointment that your caribou came so early in the trip?

Congrats on both animals and filling a lifelong dream.
Late to the party on this one.
Randy, thanks for a fantastic write up of an unparalleled adventure. Felt like I was right there.
This takes me back to reading Jack O’Connor and other superb writers in the days where adventure was seemingly more available/plentiful. Thanks for showing us adventure is still out there and for the advice to make Someday happen!
I am just watching the video now. It's great, but I like Randy's story on this thread about 10x better.

I do have a question however. Academics always have a question. Are barren ground caribou considerably smaller than mountain caribou and where to do woodland caribou fit in this? School me some caribou natural history.
Just got the caribou officially scored by a very kind Hunt Talker. Gross 406 7/8. Net 393 0/8.

that number is meaningless to me, 'cuz I don't know enough about caribou to appreciate them, but it is a heck of a fine bull, no matter what.
that number is meaningless to me, 'cuz I don't know enough about caribou to appreciate them, but it is a heck of a fine bull, no matter what.

Same here. I just looked up B&C minimums as a reference. 390 is all-time I guess it's a monster! Congrats Randy!
These are far-and-away the best field photos I have ever seen on a hunting forum - congrats to both Randy and Marcus. There are one or two that I plan to print and post at my desk as inspiration to whip my sorry butt into shape so that I can do this hunt someday. I have always coveted a large, white-necked caribou.

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