A big week for our platforms

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
It will be tomorrow that our YouTube channel rolls past 3 million views. And earlier this week the podcast just hit 1 million downloads. Lower numbers than what you see in other sports genres, say Fantasy Football, but in the hunting sphere, those are considered big numbers.

Thanks for all the support everyone has shown us. Our push to digital over the last eighteen months has been a great success. There are times the hill seemed really steep and the load too heavy, literally and figuratively, yet each day the slope seems to lessen, even if the load seems the same.

We are now out in front of most other platforms and widening the gap every day as they continue to stick with single platform options, mostly TV. The manner in which we have restructured our partnership deals and our TV contract gives us a lot more flexibility and adaptability than when we were TV-centric. If I can triplicate myself and convert to a 24 hour work day, we should be in great shape.

I hope all of you will share the YouTube videos when you find them interesting. If you are not subscribing to the Podcast, I hope you will do that also. We are on that cusp where we are no longer looked at as a niche platform, useful to only hunting companies. Our YouTube views/subscriber levels and our average Podcast downloads per episode for the last quarter have bigger ad agencies talking to us about opportunities for the general male-dominated demographic.

Fingers crossed that we can continue to grow. I am thankful Matthew, Marcus, bmack here on Hunt Talk, and a few other people, pushed me this direction and assured me that our message would convey well on these digital platforms. I only wish I had made that transition a year sooner.

Thanks to all of you. Your are the reason we are here. Your support is the reason we have the growing volume and influence we do. Though it might be two weeks early to say this, 2017 should be a great year for our platforms. As I hope it is for all you.
Glad to hear it, and congratulations! I really like the easy availability of, and option to share, the YouTube channel, podcast and other content.
Thank you, Randy. I'm sure you hear it a lot but you are very much appreciated for the positive message you convey of hunting and the work you're doing on public land. If we win this battle, I believe your work will have been as instrumental as any other single person in giving our grandchildren the public access that we all enjoy.
Thank you Randy for giving us a place to be here and providing all the great videos and information! I am thankful that though you have reached "celebrity" status, you remain down-to-earth and still comment in many of the threads on here and give very helpful advice and take interest in everybody else's hunts. Thanks for all you do, and keep up the good work!
Congrats Randy. I'm very happy that you are putting your content on YouTube. As someone who chooses to elk hunt each year in lieu of having cable, it means the difference between being able to watch your show and not.
I'm glad that it has been a huge success, and hopefully it continues to grow for you! For those of us that live many hours from the great west, your show is a bridge between seasons. I watch your show like (multiple times) like my 3 year old watches "Paw Patrol" :D just waiting for the next fall when I can get back out there.
Your success is warranted. I have directed friends and family to your podcasts and youtube series on Public Land Transfer, and legitimate changes of opinion have occurred. I look forward to the content you'll be providing in the future. Thanks for what you do.
Congrats Randy, glad you made the leap! Does this mean we're going to get even more videos and shows now? :)
Congratulations on the success! I still remember you posting about this idea and the struggles of getting it off the ground. Well done!
Thanks for all you do Randy, your efforts don't go unnoticed. It seems there are fewer and fewer public figures worth looking up to these days and you are a refreshing and important exception.
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