Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

A 377+ whitetail.

deer hunting in Texas now there is a laugh,,,fair chase in Texas? laugh again,,,Texas is a joke
We got a new state record in mule deer this year too, 288+, a little less net. The great old days are now!

That's even bigger than the old world record non-typical at King's world, which was 355+, the 377+ whitetail.

280 is just as ignorant about that deer and hunt also, and there's no ban on that, ignorance, its pretty free ranging in places. OSOK, here's how you compare deer, you measure them. At 377+, the first one in this thread is an amazing living world record. Its amazing, that's all, pretty amazing, to me, and to others.

You're starting to make me wonder if you and 280 aren't one in the same! How is 288, a bigger # than 355??? :confused:

Oh, OK, I gotcha now. You meant the 377, was bigger. OK! :rolleyes:

You still didn't answer my question!???

Forget about state records this, state records that, yaddy yaddy! I'll let you think you have a clue as to what you are talking about and leave it at that. Truth be known!!! Many of us aren't.

PS- I look at a buck every night I sit on my couch, that your state record would fit inside of!!! :eek:

I've seen the 288 buck. He's one of the ugliest P's.O.S's. I've ever seen for a high scoring mulie.

If you'd ever like to learn something about scoring a deer??? Schools in session!!! :D
OSOK, You got a picture? Where'd you get him, generally speaking?

I answered your question, you just didn't like the answer, that's ok. 377+ is really big, no matter where its from.

Lets see a picture of the one above your couch? Have you posted a story or something somewhere? I might give two chits and read it.
Just to throw a wrench into the works......

Not that any of us western folks would ever want to, but what if we took some of our finest mulie bucks and does from the best genepools in the country, threw them in a pen, pumped steroid laced corn, Tecomate seed, Mossy Oak seed, Big Buck Bran, Big Buck Crunch, Big Buck Blah Blah, vitamins, minerals.....oh, and some more steroid laced corn, and see what we could grow. Man, it would kinda feel like fattening up the family hog for the 4H Club. LOL! Naaaa....scrap the idea, I'd rather chase them across 10,000 foot peaks anyday!
Huh, when I hunted north Idaho I was told the RMEF had planted a bunch of stuff for the elk to eat up in the mountains when redoing the logging roads there. They allready do what you suggest at the 10,000 ft places. Its not like the 4H though, not there, not here, that's my comment.
the "stuff" RMEF planted was a big secrete,,but through an inside source I was able to find out what it was called,,,now Tom don`t tell anyone,,,ssshhh its called GRASS!
kinda the same, except they are wild, and not fenced in, and pure bred, and don`t have ear tags, and not given steroids, and are not in Texas but kinda the same
Hey Tom,

I looked at that buck again and just had to ask you about a thought I had. While the buck is definately a toad of a whitetail buck, dont you get the feeling, by looking at the photo of the deer with a high fence a few feet behind him, that the look on his face implies "Ooops, I'm cornered".
Do you know the story on him or the ranch that he's on? Is this a ranch that feeds all of the deer high dollar seed and supplemental feeds? Just curious?
I don't know the ranch he is at and I've had that thought too, he looks like, ooh, they saw me and are after me. I've read there are 400+ deer breeder liscenses in Texas now and its one of those places. There will be an article about him in the the TTHA magazine next summer and it will likely describe how they got him to be so big. Plus, there will be a display about him at the hunter's show TTHA puts on in August. Its got to be genes, feed, and age. I'm pretty sure he eats nothing but 20% protein feed free choice everyday/night and has great genes from both sides to be a world record size like that. There will be more information later, in the mean time, if someone really wanted to know, they could bug the TTHA people. They are using him to advertise for their show this summer and their magazine and their association. Lots of serious Texas hunters are members of their organization.

For those really turned off by tags and fences, the tags are like duck jewelry (bands). The fences are like islands. They are management tools. Many places with these things treat the animals like wild animals and they behave that way. A world class size animal is probably treated much different, smaller area, more intense management, that's pretty obvious.

That deer is 377+, its got to be more impressive in person. Like somebody said the picture just doesn't really give a world record size impression, but I'm sure he is. Those TTHA people are serious trustworthy people and are not making anything up, I'm sure.
"For those really turned off by tags and fences, the tags are like duck jewelry (bands). The fences are like islands. They are management tools. Many places with these things treat the animals like wild animals and they behave that way. A world class size animal is probably treated much different, smaller area, more intense management, that's pretty obvious."

OMG Tom you have slipped completly off the deep end, you truely don`t know the meaning of WILD, justify your way of hunting in your own mind but don`t try and sell it to me,WOW,,,treat them like wild and they act like wild,,thats a laugh a true wilds animal is not treated like anything by man thats what makes them wild,,,you just don`t get it,,,good thing you live in TExas
If you guys would think a little, you would get it. Maybe you'll never see it, then you'll never have to think about it. haha Maybe this will help. Say you have a wild horse. If you don't break it, its wild. When you break him, he's not wild, you can briddle him, saddle him, etc. If you put him in a coral, as a wild horse, say its a big coral with cover, feed, and water, is he then not wild? Its so simple, unless you're blinded. If you see him in the coral, walk in there, and he acts wild, you'll see that he is wild. You need to see it, then you'll be able to think about it.

[ 02-12-2004, 13:52: Message edited by: Tom ]
Take that same wild horse, put him in a 100,000 acre piece of free ranging country, where he can go anywhere, and attempt to catch him.

Then put him in a high fence box, run him into a corner, have a guy sitting on the corner post drop a noose around its neck, then "attempt" to catch him. It's so simple, unless your blinded.

Tom, no one argues that that buck is enormous, but it represents the caged nature that is the antithesis of true hunting spirit. The reason I go hunting is to get out of place that have four corners and a door. I don't buy the "hunting is still very hard in an enclosure" bit. At the same time, if that is someone's perogative and idea of hunting, oh well. Game feeders, rolling elevated "blinds", nutritional supplements...you can have them, because after all, they are still "wild" animals.

Are you that impressed by a "world record" inside a fence? That is no more interesting than the "World's Largest Ball of String" or the "Lady with the World's Longest Fingernails".

I assure you, you can put any "Wild" horse inside a corral, and you no longer have a "wild" horse. You now just have a rank horse, but not a "wild" horse.

Those deer are not "Wild", as they know where their next meal is coming from, they have never learned how to escape predators etc...
The one thing I'm impressed with is that a whitetail is able to grow that much antler, even in a controlled situation.

Makes you wonder what the odds of killing a top buck are in the wild, if its taken this many years of selective breeding and enhancement to grow a buck like that in captivity...

May as well plan on winning the lottery.
"I assure you, you can put any "Wild" horse inside a corral, and you no longer have a "wild" horse."

Ok, you say, as soon as he is in their he is not wild. What if we take him and put him on an island, is he still wild their? His movement is still restricted. Say the island has food, cover, and water like the big coral example. I think you'll say he's wild on the restricted island, but not in the restricted coral. That is an error. The restriction being a fence, does not make them any less wild than the restriction being an island. 1) Agreed?

Either way, his meal comes from the restricted area. You don't say the elk at Jackson whole being fed in the winter become not wild because of that do you? They are still wild. 2) Agreed?

He's much more impressive than a big ball of string. If he grew that big being managed for that on an island, would he be more impressive to the guy that said that? Moutain lions are not stopped by a wire fence, many different predators get into the fenced areas.

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