Caribou Gear



Active member
Apr 17, 2020
I am working on reloading for my 7mm-08, and my plan was to use 140gr Accubonds for both deer and elk. I am interested in trying a different bullet.

What are people’s thoughts on different bullets to us?
I am working on reloading for my 7mm-08, and my plan was to use 140gr Accubonds for both deer and elk. I am interested in trying a different bullet.

What are people’s thoughts on different bullets to us?
With them unavailable I’ve tinkered with the 139g Barnes LRX. They seem to shoot well and wouldn’t hesitate using them on a elk.
I’m not reloading anything but in factory loads mine loves the Barnes 120 grain ttsx loads, if I hand loaded the lrx would also be on my list
If you're partial to lead bullets, I'd look at Swift Scirocco's, or Federal Trophy Bonded Tips. If you're open to all-copper, check out the 139 LRX from Barnes, or the 140 E-Tip from Nosler. Or, Hammer has some cool 7mm bullets.
If you have 140gr accubonds then use them. @Dougfirtree mentioned some good alternatives. Also the bondstrike from Norma. Honestly you don't really "need" a bonded bullet so a 139gr SST, 150eldx, or 140 ballistic tip will do the job.

Copper bullets I'd go with a 120gr of your choice. My bias is towards Hammer Bullets
Reload simply use the bullet's you are comfortable with. I've never shot a 7mm-08 but have had a couple 7x57. They shot best with 154gr Hornady spire points. Had a 7mm mag back then also and 160gr Speer hot core's were great in it. I tried some 140gr class bullet's in the 7x57 and they were just to expolsive on game for me. Killed them fine but lot of damage!

When I was younger I leaned toward velocity but older now and favor med heavy to heavy bullet's for big game. I think if I really wanted velocity in big game loads and could afford them I might try those monolithic bullet's. I can't afford them so I stick mostly what has worked best for me over the years. If I got a 7mm-08 these days I'd be looking at that 160gr speer Hot Core. Loved that bullet!
I have experienced poor results with 139 gr lrx on elk. I watch my son shoot a bull 5x at 140 yards with them. All but one shot was behind the shoulder. Upon inspection we found that the bullets went right through, failing to cause much damage. Kinda stinks, because the bullets are readily available and shoot well for us. I won't use them again on game.
Speer Hot-Cor 145gr. I have not used that one specifically. Others have been slightly tougher than standard, standard lead core bullets. I'd go that instead of bonded assuming an exit wounds on elk are a goal - or a Partition. If exit wounds are for nervous Norris, 120gr NBT.
We are using IMR 4064. I tried big game but couldn't get it to group all that well in the rifles I was loading for.
I'm a big fan of the 120gr Sierra Pro Hunter. I loaded this round for my kid's rifles for years now. It's great on antelope and treed bears, I wouldn't hesitate to use it on deer either. It is NOT an elk round though. I've had them break up pretty badly on antelope leg bones and shot two bears in the head with neither bullet exiting.
If you were looking at copper with the Barnes LRX, have you considered the Hornady CX? It is available in 139gr, 159gr, and now 160gr.
I handloaded 140 grain Accubonds for years in both a 7x57 and more recently a 7mm-08 - for elk and deer. Excellent bullet and had good success with it. After deciding to move to copper, I selected the 131 grain Hammer Hunter for the 7mm-08. It was relatively easy to gain great groups with assistance from the Hammer staff....and Varget.
To those who posted earlier. Ideally I would use accubonds but finding a steady supply has been difficult.

The hammer bullets are relatively new, and I am worried I will get a load worked up and run into the same issue I am having now.

My other 7mm rifle I purchased over 1k of bullets, but those are a heavier bullet. Thanks everyone.
The hammer bullets are relatively new, and I am worried I will get a load worked up and run into the same issue I am having now.
Hammers have a strong following in North America, New Zealand, and Australia. If anything, I only see them getting bigger. Only once have I had an issue with bullets not been ready to ship upon order because he was fighting with his payment system...PayPal withheld funds and they had to fight to get their money. That was 5 years ago I think