Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

7mm-08 reloading question

I also load hornady 139s although the SST and the Interbond. A deer round and an elk round that are so close in POI is a smart thing. Big game and IMR4350.
Imr 4350 45.5gns with 139 interbonds
Unknown velocity out of a Abolt, but shooting 1/2” grps
I shoot 139gr Hornady Interbonds over H4350 that averages <0.5 MOA (It shot 0.26MOA this am). Rifle is a Tikka that was rebarreled with a Bartlein after shooting out the factory barrel. Load averages 2,929fps with no pressure signs.
I shoot 139gr Hornady Interbonds over H4350 that averages <0.5 MOA (It shot 0.26MOA this am). Rifle is a Tikka that was rebarreled with a Bartlein after shooting out the factory barrel. Load averages 2,929fps with no pressure signs.
At what barrel length?

2,929fps is hot out of a 22" barrel!

I got 2,916 fps out of a 22" barrel with RL17. But that was with an AI.
At what barrel length?

2,929fps is hot out of a 22" barrel!

I got 2,916 fps out of a 22" barrel with RL17. But that was with an AI.
24" barrel. I agree it's hot, but no pressure signs at all, loaded in Lapua brass
I've had good results with both 4350 and W760. Actually, my best groups have been with 139 gr Hornady SST/GMX bullets with the W760.
If every 7-08 shooter on this forum gave their loads, you'd probably see 75% of them using either Varget, or Big Game. H 4895 is also popular. All 3 have worked well for me.
tried those . liken staball 6.5 more so
until i was able to get that new hornady CX 139 . imr4451 and hornady 139 btsp bullets was it . however with the CX bullet you cant get enough 4451 it in the case to get decent velocity.
until i was able to get that new hornady CX 139 . imr4451 and hornady 139 btsp bullets was it . however with the CX bullet you cant get enough 4451 it in the case to get decent velocity.
What i wanna know is how you wiped off the powder burns from your target? :LOL:

I tried IMR 4451 also. While accurate, was less than impressed with velocities.

Friend is using Big Game with 139gr SST out of his Sako. Good accuracy, and good velocities.

Best velocities with the 139 - 140gr bullets was RL17 @2,916fps. (7mm-08AI, 22" barrel)

Most accurate was Alliant PP2000MR @2,832 fps. ES-6, SD-2.
Have never loaded for a 7mm-08, never even shot one. But it's a 308 case and I've loaded a lot of that and 243, also 308 case. Like RL-19 but have also found several other powders that have worked well in 308 case. Surprising one was H414, thought it would be to slow but works great in the 243 with light bullet's; never tried it in 308. Also H335, W748, Varget and H4895 have worked well. Of course some have worked better than others but all have worked. Oh forgot BLC/2 and IMR4064 were another good ones in that case. Until supply's clear up some, I'd simply look for something that works. And when supply's do open, find what works then quit buying 1# cans. I always did that but last time things dried up I found an 8# can of H414 and that I still have a lot of and works great in the 243. Pretty slow I though but what works, works! Like Varget in the 308 case too. Good thing about so many different choices in powder is that there's a lot that will work fine if you try them out. I remember loading my old 7mm Rem Mag years ago I went with N-205 for no real reason than I got groups about an 1/8" better with it than IMR 4831. That 1/8" in a hunting load don't really mean squat but back then it did! Of course I also used a different bullet with each powder, may have had something to do with it, ignorance is bliss!

You probably already know this but don't be hung up on one bullet if you can't get the powder you want. Myself I think the 139gr Hornady interlock is a great choice but other's will probably work as well. I got a Ruger 77 when they first came out in 7x57. Loved the rifle but it was a dog shooting. Tried a lot of different bullet's and nothing made me happy. Finally in frustration I tried a 154gr Hornady RN and that was the bullet, turned it into a killing machine. hate to admit I had a RN bullet I liked but it simply worked! Haven't looked for powder of any component's in quite a while so don't know what out there but if you can't find what you want, try some off the wall stuff so long as you have data. never really know what will work. BTW, I have used a lot of RL-19 and really like the stuff. I'm an old guy hung up on IMR and H powders too!
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What i wanna know is how you wiped off the powder burns from your target? :LOL:

I tried IMR 4451 also. While accurate, was less than impressed with velocities.

Friend is using Big Game with 139gr SST out of his Sako. Good accuracy, and good velocities.

Best velocities with the 139 - 140gr bullets was RL17 @2,916fps. (7mm-08AI, 22" barrel)

Most accurate was Alliant PP2000MR @2,832 fps. ES-6, SD-2.
i cant speak to Alliant PP2000MR so i cant say how much of it i could get into the magic powder holder thingies with a CX set at the depth this gun likes . its a long bullet and takes up powder spaceIMG_20220528_101954677.jpg
i cant speak to Alliant PP2000MR so i cant say how much of it i could get into the magic powder holder thingies with a CX set at the depth this gun likes . its a long bullet and takes up powder spaceView attachment 223902
PP2000MR is kinda a cross between a ball & a flake powder.
So it shouldn't be too compressed, if at all.
Definitely less compressed than 4451.
I have had very good results with W760 out of my Remington Model 700 Classic. 7mm-08.jpg
Brass- Misc.
Primer- CCI200
Powder- 48 gr. W760
Bullet- 140 gr. Sierra Game King
I use the same proj3ctile in my Remington 700 in 7/08 and I settled on Varget (AR2208) I also worked a load with AR2209 which from memory is rebranded by Hodgon as H4350
So as powder becomes harder and harder to get mainly the one I use (reloader 19). I'm leaning towards trying some different loads in my gun with a powder that's easier to get right now. I have a 20" barrel with 1-8 twist shooting 139gr Hornady interlock btsp. Anyone got any loads or suggestions for this setup. I've tried 140gr seirra gamekings and swift a-frames with groups i didn't really like. Thinking H380,H4895,or a imr powder might work.
I use varget or imr 3031 for my 7mm/08 using the 139 fr hornady interlock bullet. Both get very good groups

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