PEAX Equipment

$750 buffalo hunt

danny boy and a canned hunt awww so predictable! would you all get together later drink beer slap each other on the back and each other how tough of a hunt it was and great a job ya all did ? LOL

and remember danny boy I am not laughing with you I am laughing at you
Well spoken, Oh ignorant one... beside drinking beer, we'll be eating buffalo steaks. Which is the intent to this escapade. You can apply for buff hunts in AZ for a life time and not get drawn. So.. sometimes if you want to eat eggs you have to catch a chicken...

One more thing. I believe that Shakespeare said it best when he said..."Loud laughs the vacant mind!.."

What gave you the mistaken idea that I care what you think or do?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-27-2003 08:19: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
hey danny boy for $400 I will book you a hunt down here at the local slaughter house for a trophy 4H hog you will be able to stare down the 400 pound monster in the squeeze chute, nerves on edge, you can rare back with a sledge hammer and when the shot is right wack him in the head, it will save on the packing and butchering can be done on the spot, and then and only then you will be considered a real HUNTER. see there are no wild hogs in Montana so with your chicken theory, you would be the man
I wasn't referring to the hunt. I was referring to the way you choose to poke at people for doing something that is different than what you believe in or would do. No wonder everyone treats you the way they do.
Danr...just made the call to GW!...your a lock!
...and I know what you mean about Moosie, but it probably wasn't his fault,...he probably lost connection going through a canyon or something

And you know why they call him 280 don't you?.....because if Bison Hunter drops that price to $280, he'd be all over it like a 280 on a sheep in heat!

Good point Bison hunter.....and thanks for all the info. I don't reckon shooting a buffaloe that can pretty much go anywhere he wants, fence or not, would be any less than shooting a bear with his head stuffed down a 55 gallon drum eatin' cookies, and no one seems to think less of I say you wanna Buff...go get you one! Hell, take a spear along and do it right!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-27-2003 08:53: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
280... Not all of Us brag at Every hunt.. We don't need to Make shit up all the time. But grant it there would be friends to share the hunt/shoot and we'd have a great time !!!!!

When we go out and Wack a deer, it's not always... "He was running at 567 Yards 12 miles Back in jumping over brush downhill shot humping a doe and I was doing a backflip shooting a .280 swinging from a tree branch humping 2 chicks while takeing a crap at first light... And dropped him with one shot !!!"

Sometimes, it's "I bailed out the truck, ran 100 yards off the road And shot the Sun'bitch, Drug him back whole !!"

So whether the hunt is a 12 mile pack in, or right next to the road, the only difference betwen this hunt we'd go on, and the one you go one is :

1. We actually come home with stuff
2. We go with friends and have fun, not solo with a blowup sheep doll

Also, I'd take you up on that Hog shoot, I see nothing wrong with Wacking a hog in a Shoot, I figure Either I'm going to do it or someone else is... And I'd rather handle my own meat
Moosie, be careful talking about handling your own meat.. 280 may decide he really wants to come.....along... sheep doll or no..

DS, thanks for the call. As soon as the word filters down to the Army and they get off our dime, we can plan the hunt...

By the way, we were just informed that our ready condition has been upgraded... Looks like the fecal matter is about to contact the rotating osscilator with high magnitude impact....

I hope DS's phone call didn't set him off....
cool.gif don't think GW misinterpreted the part where I said you would "offer him some of your buff" do you!

SO-DAMN-IN-SANE better look out....that's one mad Texan! I have to tell you......hunting with friends makes you weak, and proves you can't hunt alone.

I just learned this from BSCat. He told me directly on another board I only hunt with friends because I can't hunt alone......dammit!.....I always knew there was a reason, just couldn't put my finger on it!
Pay him no mind. He doesn't have any friends so he doesn't really know what it's like to hunt with friends..


Cali, it is the funniest damn shit I have been invovled in a couple weeks. We gotta see about getting he reinstated over here! The guy is a riot, ......and so predictable!

Poor old Indy and Anaconda and Wyo Tim and Jason Lee and Wolverine and Rink and Buzz and Black Lightening and Sparky Dave and Chambo and whoever else I've shared an elk camp with me might be pissed to learn they are a "bunch of no-hunting beginners I am trying to impress". But you see, I just "need these guys beacuse I can't hunt alone"
rolleyes.gif can't be that the commraderie sometimes outways the importance of success......nah, it couldn't be

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-27-2003 11:31: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
I've eat canned salmon when the runs are slow. Why not shoot buffs in a canned hunt, when there aint no regular hunt to go on?

280's jest pissed because he's stuck somewhere past 3/4's and can't make it to full circle (280's never was worthwhile firearm anyways).
and by reading your last post ten beers you never made it out of the 5th grade, two words for you,,,,,,, SPELL CHECK
"they are not buffalo hunts they are buffalo shoots, can anyone say GAME FARM?

"No I can't really book that kind of hunt"

One word for you, .280. "PUNCTUATION" and spell check won't help you there. "Capitalization" would be correct, too.

"They are not buffalo hunts; they are buffalo shoots. Can anyone say "game farm?"

"No, I can't really book that kind of hunt."

I don't have time to quote and correct his longer, even less grammatically correct statements. Artificial intelligence can't even help him.
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