6 elk points in WY - Need a little help/advice


New member
Feb 24, 2018
Good morning Hunt Talk. I'm a long time follower and first time poster so take it easy on me :)

Me and a buddy will have 6 points in Wyoming for elk this year and we are really unsure on where to start looking. We have some ideas but really need some guidance from folks like you to help us out with some ideas. We are not looking for what some people would consider trophy animals. We are regular hunters looking to see elk and will probably take the first opportunity that presents itself. We have several years experience hunting Colorado for elk without much success harvesting animals but we are able to get on elk regularly (couple times per trip) all in all that is success for us. We'd like to archery hunt if at all possible in a unit the first part of September. Which area of the state doesn't really matter although I'm not crazy about bears we are willing to deal with them and take the precautions necessary. We are proficient in E scouting (thanks Randy) so we'd just like some ideas what units to start searching in with our points.

Thanks for any help/advice you are willing to give.

P.S. Just so you know I am planning on winning the promotional hunt with Randy this fall so this thread will likely not be needed... haha. Good luck with the rest of the hunting season to everyone and thanks again.
Thanks guys. I actually just ssen an email come thru for the free trial to Gohunt. Ill get signed up this weekend and do some research.
I’ve been in your shoes also throughout the years. Being a nonresident isn’t easy but I joined a site called Hunters Trailhead and with the sites help found the areas that I was guaranteed to draw with x amount of points. That is step one, knowing where you can hunt. Looked at amount of public private land or whatever terrain would fit my hunting style with google maps and onX maps. Pick one and start to break it apart until you find your spot. It’s really exciting to plan with a partner as you have. While I haven’t hunted elk in Wyoming if I had I’d certainly give you some direction but for now that’s all I’ve got.
I forgot to mention that I’ve yet to get a person who has been to an area that I had picked that actually has told me to go up “Lost Creek Draw” until you come to Red Wall. Set up camp there and hunt the two drainages to the west. Using the above methods, I’ve had some terrific hunts and some site seeing adventures. Always learned something on a trip. If I’ve been to a place, I’m always willing to share my experience to those that ask. Sometimes in a pm not the open forum.
Area 25/27 offers some excellent archery hunting with no grizzlies. It should be in your point range.
Having hunted a 5-6 point unit and a general unit (both for cows), and having found them to be similar quality IMO (I actually tagged out in half the time in the general unit), I'd probably pick an area based on your preferred terrain, topography, timber/open country, bears or no bears, etc., and base my decision off of that. If you dedicate a couple of weeks to it, I can't imagine not having opportunities in any 6 point unit.
Thanks for the feed back guys. Starting to research some different units now. I signed up for goHunt, that's an awesome resource!
Having hunted a 5-6 point unit and a general unit (both for cows), and having found them to be similar quality IMO (I actually tagged out in half the time in the general unit), I'd probably pick an area based on your preferred terrain, topography, timber/open country, bears or no bears, etc., and base my decision off of that. If you dedicate a couple of weeks to it, I can't imagine not having opportunities in any 6 point unit.

This is good advice.
When the numbers come out after winter you can make some decisions based on how herds are doing in a given area.We'll get population numbers, ratios on bulls/cows and cow/calves.
You might well want to apply for a cow tag in an area you wish to draw an any elk tag. Get to know it a bit and see if it fits your hunting expectations.
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