
6-day unguided Alaska caribou hunts - $1,100 per hunter

Bill Hefner

New member
Dec 17, 2000
St. Petersburg, FL USA
***** Special Announcement!*****

6-Day, Unguided, Outfitted, Drop Camp, Caribou Hunts.
(And that's 6 days of actual hunting!)

Late August thru first half of September

$1,100 per person (minimum 2)
$1,000 per person (minimum 4)

If you and your buddies are still undecided on a fall hunt or didn’t get drawn for an elk tag, now’s the time to get off the fence and make plans for an unguided, outfitted, 6-day, drop camp caribou hunt. A $200.00 deposit (sorry, non-refundable) is all you need to book one of these specially priced hunts. The balance in cash is due when you reach main camp. Also, if you’d like to get a black bear, wolf or wolverine tag, you can pay for them at main camp. Just to make sure you have a spot, you can book a date and add additional hunters.

These unguided, outfitted, drop-camp hunts are offered by Tony Lee, owner & operator of WESTWIND GUIDE SERVICE for over 20 years. His main camp is in the Mulchatna drainage area and the hunts are in Unit 17 or Unit 19 and include tent, food and basic camp gear. Not included, of course, is license, tags, transportation to/from main camp, game bags, hide salt, rifle, pistol or bow and personal gear.

You’ll be flown from main camp to a spike camp where your hunt begins the following morning. On the 3rd day if you don’t have caribou you’ll be moved to a new location later that afternoon so you can hunt first thing the following morning. Tony scouts the area by Super Cub before you arrive and puts you and your spike camp near the migration routes of the animals. To date, he has maintained 98% success on caribou.

Because of the exceptionally mild winter this year, the 2003 season should be one of the best ever for horn growth. Plus, winter kills are low. All things considered, the 2003 season is shaping up to be a good one.

For available dates you need to call Tony at home at (907) 373-2047. The best time to reach him is about 7:30 am or after 6:00 pm Alaska Time. Check out his website at , a division of Westwind Guide Service.

If you’d like prepared e-mail documents (WORD files) on his hunts that address associated costs and logistics, e-mail me and I’ll forward them to you the same day. Or, if you’d like a free copy of his 2001 & 2002 4-color, 8-page newsletter, send me your mailing address. Fair enough?

For the record, Tony and I are long time friends and I help him out with his marketing. Plus, he's a patient of my brother-in-law who lives in Anchorage.

Best regards and maybe I'll see some of y'all in camp this September.

Bill Hefner
St. Petersburg, FL
e-mail: [email protected] (all lower case)

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