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6.5x57 AI dies

Another place to look for off the wall dies is ch4d.com

If you can't find the correct dies, both the 257 Roberts AI and 7X57AI are much more popular. Using these body die from a set of those dies and a seating from a 6.5X284 die set would probably work...
Take a cerro-cast of the chamber and send it to C&H, Redding, RCBS (althought I believe thier custom shop closed some time ago). Anyone in the business should be able to make the dies for you. Won't be cheap, but.. you knew that already.. Any gunsmith should be able to Cerro-cast your chamber.
Just checked Reddings web site. They build a 6.5X57 die (product 80228) so taking it to AI should be a matter of knowing what your chamber measures.
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I don't think so Jeff. Cases are too arbitrary in the way the expand and contract. They would need a Cerro cast of the actual chamber. It's a simple process and takes less than 15 minutes. Shouldn't cost more than a few dollars..
Well RCBS and Redding have written back and say they are too busy to contemplate new calibre dies, but CH4D have responded favourably. Will see how it goes.
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