6.5 Crredmoor or 7-08?

I'm don't have a ton of the ins and outs of rifle calibers. What did you mean by this? Is it because both are Win.? Or is there something else that makes them similar?

The .243 Win is based on a necked down .308 case.
Following along. I was sold on the Creedmor, but now thinking 7-08.

I was never a big fan of the .308Win, but, ironically enough, I love the .243Win.

Whatever caliber, it will be going on a lightweight gun.

..don't you even lift bro?
The .243 Win is based on a necked down .308 case.

Correct, which, coincidentally, the 7mm-08 is based on a necked down .308 case.

A lot of "new" invention is really kind of old. There were 3 common cases of .30 caliber: The 30-06, the 300Savage, and the .308Win.

While I have a .25-06 that I really like (never been a fan of .270), the .308 spawned the better lineage: .243 Win., .260 Rem., 7mm-08 Rem., .338 Federal and .358 Win.

The .300 Savage did, I think, spawn the .250 Savage and the follow on of the .22-250.

(correct me if I am wrong.)

My original point is I have a .308Win buried in the back of the safe, I have a .243Win that goes everywhere as my back up gun, my loan to other people gun, my give to a kid gun, and my fun to shoot gun.
I'd put the 338-06 and the 35 Whelen higher category the 338 Fed or 358 Win. All four are great cartridges, but for power and efficiency, it's tough to beat the medium bores built off of the 06 case.
IMHO Creedmoor is a niche cartridge that has ridden the long range ballistic coefficient obsession to success. The fact that it's niche was as a target cartridge for competitive shooting is icing on the tacticool cake.

Not to say that it isn't a great choice for and all around lower 48 big game cartridge it is, and while many in its class are handloader's cartridges it has a lot of good factory fodder readily available that makes the most of its attributes so in that sense it's a win/win.

I like em both but have a 7-08. Love the fact I can form cases from 7.62 NATO brass.

I don't think that 1/2mm is much to fret about; choose whatever floats yer boat then shoot the heck out of it.
Maybe I'll snatch up one of these used Creedmore rifles in a few years when guys get sick of them. I'm also anticipating an influx of used 1911's within the coming years.
I don't know much about the 6.5 Creedmoor, but I own four 7mm-08s (three in the Weatherby Vanguards and one Kimber Montana) I took the Kimber to the Big Belts this past fall and shot a nice Whitetail. Its low recoil still delivers 2800 FPS and 2437 ft-lbs at the muzzle for accurate shots that will do the job. If you marry it with a high performance Nosler Accubond in 140 grain its ideal for elk size animals.
My son bought a 7-08 Savage Axis today and a Vortex 3.5-10x50. He didn't go fancy but I've heard these guns shoot well, we will soon find out.
Caribou Gear

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