
6.5-06 Loads & Chrony Data


New member
Dec 16, 2000
Well at last there was sun and reasonable weather to finally get out and do some trigger time. So I took the 6.5-06 and the 243 out and ran all my best accuracy loads and a new 80gr load for the 243 accross the ole chrony. I thought that I'd share my results.

The 6.5-06 is an FN Mauser with a 26" 1-10 twist Lilja Stainless barrel.

The 243 is a Rem 700 with a 26" 1-10 twist Shilen Stainless barrel.

It was about 42 Degrees outside.

6.5-06 loads
95gr Vmax. 53gr of ww760 FPS= 3513
100gr NBT. 53gr of ww760 FPS= 3393
120gr NBT. 54gr of R-19 FPS= 3056
140gr Gameking 49gr of 4350 FPS= 2948
140gr Gameking 47gr of 4350 FPS= 2806

243 loads
80gr NBT 39.0gr of Varget FPS= 3295
70gr NBT 47.5gr of ww760 FPS= 3714

All these loads shoot under .7".

Overall, the only things that stuck out to me was the 120gr being about 150+ FPS slower than I thought it would be and the 140gr were about 75-150FPS slower than I thought. I was also a little suprised that there was that much difference in the 95 & 100gr bullets

The 243 came out almost exactly where I thought it would be. AT LAST. WD
WD gets new toy and posts all of his speeds and teases his , long lost buddy with the results! Guess I will have to buy my own! Guess I will just have to put the fastest dog I got next to the barrel and tell him to fetch and see how fast they run along side the bullet!
Hey WDSWIFT, I have a question for you down in (FIRESIDE (A PLACE FOR FRIENDS) / ANYTHING GOES). If you don't want to meet up, or can't, I still would be interested in some local places of interest in Columbus if you know of any.

Thanks in advance,

Not to worry MLM ole buddy, You'll probably get more use and good out of it than I will. As you know, I'll take care of ya. ;)

Jude, check your PM's. WD

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-26-2002 12:37: Message edited by: WDSWIFT ]</font>
Pecos, nice shootin'. I don't blame ya for keeping it. Are you inviting Danr and his harem over for Boar roast? Nice hog!!

Are they any good eating? That's a lot of meat if it isn't.

If I ever get constipated I may try shooting one of those things someday. I'm sure that if one that size brisseled up and took a few steps my way, that would fix me quickly. :D WD
I have to admit that is not my hog. That is a friend of mine from over Albany way. He shot him from his pickup when he drove up to a tank. That is not normal size for this area, most around here will go about 200-250 lbs for a big one.

The are good to eat, but I have found thru sad experience and expense that if they weigh much over 100 lbs they make better coyote bait.

"I was also a little suprised that there was that much difference in the 95 & 100gr bullets"

That has also been my experience with the 95 gr V-max in my various 6.5mm rifles. I can smoke that little baby along at 3,395 fps in my .260 Rem, whereas a 100 grain Speer bullet only gets about 3290 fps.

Good news is that Hornady is coming out with some 129 gr SSTs in 6.5 mm caliber this year. I'm on a waiting list to get some as soon as they arrive.
Good to See you on here NDak. Do you find that the 95gr Vmax to give "spectacular" terminal performance too? I nailed a crow here a while back with one at about 230yds. WOW!!

I just got my Cabelas Shooting cataloge and noticed that they have the 129 & 140gr SST listed in there. Whether they are out on the shelves or not I don't know.
Yes, V-Maxes do indeed give spectacular terminal performance. I pretty near turned a coyote inside out with one. It was an 87 grain, 6mm bullet launched at 3,290 fps out of my Model 77 .243 Win. Distance was only 50 yards.

I imagine the 95 grain, 6.5 mm would have completely turned him inside out. ;)

As for SSTs, they are now my bullet of choice for anything other than bears. I killed a moose this fall with a 180 grain SST at 3,200 fps out of my .300 Win Mag Model 77 MK II at 180 yards. Dropped him in his tracks.

You get the accuracy of the Ballistic Tip, but deeper penetration. I love 'em.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-24-2002 14:29: Message edited by: Nodak Hunter ]</font>
I understand they are out, but we have been backordered for a month or more, think demand is outstripping production right now, for the 6.5's, least that is what I was told when called Hornady.