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516-50 Montana Moose Ride-a-long

I like the plywood comparison! Mule deer stick out like sore thumbs with snow on the ground, so I imagine moose will shine like beacons. At least I hope... I think the areas where the moose hang out will change fairly dramatically after the rut ends. Right now, I'm focusing my efforts on finding them during the rut, and will shift strategies if I have to as the season goes. That's interesting that WA has split the season. Which season do most hunters prefer, and which produces "better" results in your opinion?
The seasons were just split last year in most of the units, so there is not much data out there right now. The unit I have been applying my first choice is still Oct/Nov, but that may change before I ever get drawn. I think that I would prefer the late season, granted they aren't talking as much, but a rutting bull moose smells just like the spray from a tomcat, not conducive to eating your lunch afterwards. With moose being as big as they are, they sure can disappear quickly in the thick brush. After the leaves fall, they are definitely easier to see across the drainages.
Congrats LopeHunter! Where at in Idaho? I used to live in Soda Springs in South East Idaho, some great moose in that area! You will have to let us know how your hunt goes.

Thanks mtmander, glad you're enjoying it.

Caseknife: That's good to know about rutting bulls. I plan on trying to get this done with my bow, and there's something about calling one in before hand that has me excited, but strange things happen, and if my season goes long, I won't be complaining!
Short update this week:
I was out of town for a quick trip to the Midwest this weekend, so my good friend went up the Main Boulder to check trail cameras and pull them, as we're getting close to end of the period in Montana where we can have them out. The cameras he checked were the two off the trail going west up a drainage off of the Main drainage, one of which had the griz pic from a few weeks back. The camera out in the meadow didn't turn up any moose, but our camera along the trail on the way in ended up capturing a younger bull. We had previously seen the drop tine bull in the same area, so it's good to see that there's a couple of bulls in the immediate area. I'm hoping when the rut comes around, the Bulls will concentrate in the area where the cows are. image.jpg

This next weekend, my dad is coming into town late Friday, and sticking around through Sunday, so I'll be tooling around the unit with him. I'd like to get a couple more cameras up for the last week, so we'll see where they end up. I plan on checking, and possibly pulling, the cameras in Tie creek on Friday morning, so hopefully I'll have an update for you all at that time.

Hope everyone fared well in the Montana antelope draw, I know I'm looking forward to another eastern Montana goat rope.
Thanks for the story and pictures! As a holder of no great tags (besides the endless options of the general units I'm thankful for) and very unproductive cameras this summer, I'm enjoying following along.
I'm glad you're enjoying it, Reeltime!

This last weekend was my last to run my cameras, as I have an obligation this next weekend keeping me from the hills. Friday, after getting off work at 7, I headed to the tie creek area to check and pull my last camera still out. Lucky for me, the morning provided cool hiking temps, and I made good time getting to my updated tie creek camera location. As I approached the area, I noted what looked like fresh moose tracks in the mud my camera was overlooking. I crossed my fingers, hoping it'd be the bull I'd spooked while hiking out after moving my camera the last time. I hadn't gotten a great look at that bull, but thought he was about the same age class as the drop tine bull. I pulled the card, and plugged my SD reader into my phone, and anxiously watched as the photos popped up. Lots of deer, one very lazy bear, an owl, a cow moose, and then pay dirt: the bull I'd spooked. Seeing him was exciting, though he's not all that big, mainly because it confirms my thoughts from last time on his age class. I packed the camera away, and headed back to Bozeman.

Saturday, my dad came into town, so we ventured over east, and did a quick 5 mile hike to check out another potential moose area. Although we didn't see much for fresh sign, the area could be good later on in the fall when the Bulls go into the post rut. Scenic country and a fun hike introducing my dad to the area I'll be hunting this fall. The rest of the weekend was spent planning out my dad's deer hunt when he comes back out to Montana this November and I get to play guide. Here's a few photos from the weekend:image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Awesome pics and looks like you are having luck on your scouting trips! Lookin forward to seeing more from you about your adventure. Good Luck!
Bear is hilarious.

Ha, no kidding. What in the hell is he doing?

Looks like some incredibly productive scouting YoungGun. Have you seen anything yet you think you'd shoot early in the season?

Are you planning on scouting much between now and the season still?

You've definitely done your leg work.
Ha, no kidding. What in the hell is he doing?

Looks like some incredibly productive scouting YoungGun. Have you seen anything yet you think you'd shoot early in the season?

Are you planning on scouting much between now and the season still?

You've definitely done your leg work.

Based on the 20 odd pictures of him, I'd say he's trying to cool off in the mud! Pretty entertaining anyways.
I haven't seen 'the one' yet, that drop tine bull has some character, but he's a younger bull, and I'd prefer to let him grow for the tag holders in future years. I figure there's a decent chance I'll see more bulls come the rut, so I'm being patient, for now. Have you seen anything or heard of anything for your hunt that has you excited?
I plan on getting out a little bit more, but my weekends are limited. My plan now is to start packing my bow around the hills on archery opener and the following weekend, and who knows; maybe while trying to turn up bullwinkle, I'll find an elk or two.

Are you planning on getting out a bit more?
Congrats on the tag, my daughter drew the Bridger tag last year, memories of a lifetime for sure. Around the rut is when the big boys seem to show up. I got a duel game moose call that we never used that I would let go for cheap if you are interested. Good luck and love the photos.
Thanks, Quackillr! I imagine the memories made are worth more than any moose meat or antlers! Knowing what you know now, if you did the hunt again, what would be your key to success? I'll have to look into the duel game moose calls and let you know, I appreciate the offer!
Based on the 20 odd pictures of him, I'd say he's trying to cool off in the mud! Pretty entertaining anyways.
I haven't seen 'the one' yet, that drop tine bull has some character, but he's a younger bull, and I'd prefer to let him grow for the tag holders in future years. I figure there's a decent chance I'll see more bulls come the rut, so I'm being patient, for now. Have you seen anything or heard of anything for your hunt that has you excited?
I plan on getting out a little bit more, but my weekends are limited. My plan now is to start packing my bow around the hills on archery opener and the following weekend, and who knows; maybe while trying to turn up bullwinkle, I'll find an elk or two.

Are you planning on getting out a bit more?

Oh yeah, definitely planning on getting out a bunch more. Should be looking every weekend from now until I kill one, except for possibly Labor Day.

I'm sure it's nice having all these bulls around, and knowing you can 'settle' if need be. Good luck in the rest of your scouting!
Thanks for sharing younggun.

Good start for you!

Will be following your hunt and quitely cheering you on!
Lovn the thread so far. Great pics too! Can't wait for the rest of the story! :)
Thanks, Quackillr! I imagine the memories made are worth more than any moose meat or antlers! Knowing what you know now, if you did the hunt again, what would be your key to success? I'll have to look into the duel game moose calls and let you know, I appreciate the offer!

The biologist with Fwp hooked me up with a guy who spent nearly the entire season scouting before deciding on a bull during a prior season. He was a huge help in our hunt and ultimately responsible for pointing us to the moose my daughter took. At 13 my daughter shot a 46" bull, her first big game animal, 4 days into the season. We had several other bulls located during scouting but you know the saying "don't pass one on the first day you would shoot on the last. Had that tag been mine I would have for sure held out knowing there are bigger moose in that zone. While scouting for the moose we had seen a monster mule deer in one of the areas and I hunted that area a lot the rest of the season and saw 5 different bull moose right around the rut that were as big or bigger than the one my daughter shot.I would say the Key to success is know all the available habitat in the zone right up to the borders and hit it hard around the rut. But like I said my daughters hunt was too easy.
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Oh yeah, definitely planning on getting out a bunch more. Should be looking every weekend from now until I kill one, except for possibly Labor Day.

I'm sure it's nice having all these bulls around, and knowing you can 'settle' if need be. Good luck in the rest of your scouting!

Good deal!! I hope you get into a couple Bulls, the older the better! The young ones are fun to see, and like you said, hopefully it means I don't get tag soup this fall. I'll be following along with your hunt these next few months, excited to see what you turn up!
The biologist with Fwp hooked me up with a guy who spent nearly the entire season scouting before deciding on a bull during a prior season. He was a huge help in our hunt and ultimately responsible for pointing us to the moose my daughter took. At 13 my daughter shot a 46" bull, her first big game animal, 4 days into the season. We had several other bulls located during scouting but you know the saying "don't pass one on the first day you would shoot on the last. Had that tag been mine I would have for sure held out knowing there are bigger moose in that zone. While scouting for the moose we had seen a monster mule deer in one of the areas and I hunted that area a lot the rest of the season and saw 5 different bull moose right around the rut that were as big or bigger than the one my daughter shot.I would say the Key to success is know all the available habitat in the zone right up to the borders and hit it hard around the rut. But like I said my daughters hunt was too easy.

The bios have been a huge asset. They pointed me in a few directions, and I would strongly advise anyone with any hunting related questions to get in touch with them as well. It's a two way street, and the info a hunter can provide back to them makes their jobs a little easier. I haven't talked to any one who has hunted this unit previously, but I would still love to, just to know a little more of what to expect. That was actually a big driving force for me in creating this thread; helping future hunters get a good start on a hunt of a lifetime. I think your daughters tag held more potential than 516, but I'm still in no huge rush to shoot the first bull I see. For me, I don want this adventure to end just yet. I'd also like to know I got the most out what this unit has to offer, so an older age class bull is what I'm seeking.
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