Kenetrek Boots

5 things on your bucket list

I’ll take a freezer full of halibut, lingcod and rockfish over salmon, maybe I’m weird? Went up twice with a very small charter and it was worth every penny. I’d already be planning my return if he hadn’t just sold the business. I’ll go back but now need to find a new spot
We're kind of in the same mode...looking to replace the guy we went with for about 12 years. We interviewed one last year, not bad, interviewing another this August.
1. Be mortgage free by 55
2. Be 100% retired by 60
3. Go on a scuba trip every year somewhere in the world annually with my wife. Hopefully my kids follow suit.
4. Spend as much time doing something outdoors with my kids for as long as possible.
5. Be @BuzzH neighbor and collect all the halibut I can get. (Currently looking at homes in Laramie but can't confirm who the neighbors are)
Great lists guys! My spouse and I did this exercise just a few weeks ago. We had a few things in common, but most of them were pretty close. I was grateful that she shared her list with me, and now I have a traget to shoot for to fulfill her list. Here's mine in no particular order...

1- Hunt moose in Alaska or Canada with a couple of my sons.

2- Own a really fast car...I like the Camaro ZL-1 LSE. Its basically a legal rocket.

3- Travel Europe on an extended vacation. 60-90 days

4- Travel to the Philippines, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka for a few months.

5- Attend my grandchildren's weddings.
Gotta say this thinking. Pretty much cleaned out the bucket.list last few years. Retired last summer at 58. Finally took my wife to Germany, she's an air force brat and grew up there. Both sons are married to GREAT young ladies. Have 2 grandsons. Actually had 2 summer, post retirement goals, catch a 12+ inch trout on fly rod (first summer playing with a fly rod)and break 80 on local golf course, achieved both

Now I'd say the new list

1) bugle in a bull to bow range for my wife

2) get my sons out here for a hunt

3) grandsons out here for a hunt. They are 3 and 1 so that will take a while

4) visit Hawaii and pearl harbor

5) figure out retirement and enjoy the hunting, fishing, hiking and golf retirement in Wyoming allows
I've been incredibly lucky in the experience department and probably cleared out any bucket list I might have had years ago... because of that number one will always be the same.

1. Never stop being open minded and amazed by where life takes me, I could never have imagined some of the most life changing things I've experienced 15 years ago...

2. Stand on top of Cerro Torre, I've been close and it's the most wildly otherworldly place I can imagine...and going back scares me, so it's challenging enough for the reward to be really high...

3. Win an international ice climbing competition, 10 years ago my goal was to qualify, I've been close enough to taste it a couple times now...

4. 370" bull elk... the elk standard has moved about 50" since I started setting goals...if I manage that I'll just bump it up 10 until I fail...

5. Unlimited sheep, or really any bighorn, 20 resident points and lots of raffles haven't landed a tag yet so unlimited is looking better and better, plus it looks like just the right kind of struggle...
Been giving this a lot of thought. It's a very tough question to answer. I've already lived my bucket list. I have a couple of huge elk on the wall (356 and 348) shot decades ago. Half a dozen moose but nothing enormous. That's enough. I lived in Alaska one summer and fished every day ... and night. Returned three years ago and might be back again this summer. I once owned livestock and packed for the Forest Service in Montana and California. Still have all the tack and would love to put it back to work but only so much time left in this life. I was a park ranger at units all over the US, retiring in 2010 after losing my wife and son. My first posting was at Olympic Park where I lived on my cabin cruiser and fished for salmon almost every day. One morning at the end of my second season I took a tiny little gal from Vancouver Island out for silvers. Three months later we were married. I have been blessed with a succession of seven fantastic hunting dogs from 1965 to present. Somehow during all that and raising two kids I managed to complete three degrees. And finally, I have hunted Africa ... three times.

So what more could I ask for? Indeed, asking the Maker for more would seem greedy. I have given serious thought to an Ibex hunt in one of the "stans" but recent events in that neck of the woods are a bit unsettling. Especially since I would be traveling with a US passport. I might take my grandson to Africa for one last hunt. That would be an adventure he wouldn't forget. Ever. My bucket wish is for my great great grandkids to know and appreciate what I've accomplished. If I can live my bucket list, so can they. They have my blood.
I'd say you have been blessed!!
1. Tell Steven Rinella I can't believe he's a pro and that I'm way better than him.
2. Appear on antiques roadshow with my wife as expert appraisers
3. Hunt Mt. Muley's elk spot
4. Ring the opening bell at the NYSE
5. Watch the Northern Lights with my wife
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