5 Movies

Shawshank Redemption
The Usual Suspects
A Christmas Story
Top Gun

I could go on…
Christmas Story deserves it's own category...honestly don't think I've missed at least a partial holiday viewing since it's debut in '83. Most likely the same for Lampoon's '89 Christmas Vacation.
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Gone in 60 Seconds (the Nicholas Cage remake)
Employee of the Month
Ocean’s Eleven
Dante’s Peak

Bonus- Coach Carter
No judgement, but Dante’s Peak? Really?

Who the hell am I kidding, I’m Judgey McJudgerson over here. Dante’s Peak? Wow.
No judgement, but Dante’s Peak? Really?

Who the hell am I kidding, I’m Judgey McJudgerson over here. Dante’s Peak? Wow.
Truth be told, that wasn’t my choice. That’s what we watched a lot of when I was a kid. Willingly, I watched it a year or so ago. Still a good movie.

I saw Dante’s Peak a few other times on this same thread so I expect the same post on the other ones!
Truth be told, that wasn’t my choice. That’s what we watched a lot of when I was a kid. Willingly, I watched it a year or so ago. Still a good movie.

I saw Dante’s Peak a few other times on this same thread so I expect the same post on the other ones!
It was filmed in the next town over from where I grew up. My sister worked on the set as a flagger, I built the steeple that fell on the car in the part where the mountain blew up.

It is far from a quality flick.
pfff...there are some movies I have seen 20+ times...5 is nothing... :). THe list if way too long..

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