In about eighteen months we have cracked the 5 Million view threshold on YouTube. That was one of our major mile markers and we hit it a year earlier than expected. Can't thank all of you enough for the support and interest in what we are doing.
Many supposed outdoor industry media experts gave Matthew and I the "side eye" about this idea. Not sure where to reset the mark for the end of this calendar year. We are about to hit our highest viewership period in August, along with a dozen new episodes that will be released between now and the end of the year, along with a lot of ancillary "hub content" that hopefully lowers the hurdles for folks wanting to do the same hunts we do.

Thanks again for all the great support. If you have friends or family who would like our content, please share the channel link -
Many supposed outdoor industry media experts gave Matthew and I the "side eye" about this idea. Not sure where to reset the mark for the end of this calendar year. We are about to hit our highest viewership period in August, along with a dozen new episodes that will be released between now and the end of the year, along with a lot of ancillary "hub content" that hopefully lowers the hurdles for folks wanting to do the same hunts we do.

Thanks again for all the great support. If you have friends or family who would like our content, please share the channel link -