Well-known member

Went out yesterday morning to try and get the wife her fall turkey. The man on the radio said it was 12 below while we were getting ready to leave the house but it had warmed up to a balmy 5 below by the time we reached our destination.
We set up the new hunting blind the missus had given me for Christmas, crawled in, and settled in to wait for the turkeys. After a short wait here come the turkeys. I told Monica to hold off to see if any big toms would show up but she had other plans which didn't include fussing around and letting the turkeys get away. BOOM! I had a different view out the window and said, "You missed." She looked at me over her shoulder and said something to the effect of, "if I did then why is that turkey laying dead over there?" Sure enough there is was, a nice hen taken with a single shot to the head. All done and it is only 8:40 am.
After thanking the landowners, we then tried to get a couple of pheasants before heading home. The cold weather made the snow very squeaky which coupled with the lack of wind to cover any noises made it impossible to get within range of the pheasants which would fly off long before we were within range. I did miss one rooster that I should have gotten but oh well, it was still a great time and in a couple of days we will have a tasty, smoked turkey to munch on.
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.