
Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So I went up to help Dinger and his BAit site and then to hunt turkeys yesterday. We drove up to the location, packed on all the bait and headed it and dumped it.

After we were done, I went to the edge of the ridge to let out a "YELP" for a gobbler and I bumped a bear that was working it's way up the canyon. I stopped and called a bit so The bear would think I was a turkey
Dinger was back at the barrel so I worked back to him.

WELL I told Dinger about it and all he had was his .44 (And the shotgun for turkeys) but he was fired up. We decided (After I Co-hersed him) to sit on the stands and blow off Turkey hunting. We climbed out of the canyon to the truck to grab whatever little clothing we had to sit in the stand. 7:00 PM we were sitting on teh stands. 7:30 I hear a distincts Brush movve behind me to the right.

(To set up the senario, Dinger was to my Left and the bait was to my left/infront of me, I was on the downhill side of the bait and the trail ran from Right to left right in front of me. If I jumed out of the treestand I could land on the trail. And the stand is not far up so I could........

OK, So I was looking left and I heard the noise again. I didn't want to move becasue I wan't hunting and I didn't want to get the Blame for Spooking this bear. I heard a BREATH or a snort... Sounded like it was Right behind me, But with the air still and birds now quiet it was tough to tell how far it was.... I sat probably another 10-12 mins after I didn't hear anything more and Slowly turned around. I wasn't wearing a face mask but was Cammoed to the hilt other wise.

I never seen anything so tried to reply the sounds in my head.... I guess I missed it or it never came in. About 1 hour 15 mins later there was a bear going through the trees up above. I couldn't see it but it was there. I saw the brush move and could tell
WELL.. that never came in either.

I was freezing for about 1/2 hour and Dinger finally motioned he was getting down. I got down and Asked him If he sen or heared anything. HE said "ONLY THAT BEAR" !! I wasn't sure if he was pulling my leg but he described how the bear made 2 distinct noise and then he finally saw it. He watched it for a few mins walking up from below, walked around a little then walked right next to my stand, walk away and back... then finnaly realised something wasn't right so it walked off......

We looked at the tracks and it was REAL close to me. I could have turned and Spit on it :D :D... BUT I never even saw it.

BEARs come in quiet and unexpected. THEY don't make much (IF ANY) noise at all !!!!! OF all the bear that have come into the baits, and all the bear we've taken, It's always cool just to look up and see them standing there like they just Appeared !!!! Unfortunately, this bear was the closest I've ever been to a live bear and still didn't see it :eek:
Great story, save it for your memoirs.

It reminds me of this raccoon story.
I left my pop-up trailer at my hunting lease set up a few years ago. Raccoons got in it while I was gone and slept in my bed! I could tell by the deposit they left when I got back. I threw away that sleeping bag.

Two years ago, there was a bear about 50 yards away from my trailer. It was daytime and I got a picture, I'll post it.

Bears are pretty rare in Texas now, except maybe in Big Bend national park. I guess it went after the gut piles and meat on bones that we took out there not far from camp. The hunting camp was not that far from mountains in Mexico and the bears came up from down there.

My trailer is in the driveway now. I figure if I left it at the lease and a bear got in my bed, it would actually probably destroy it.

I remember one year, I was following a friend back home from hunting camp at the end of season. He had a raccoon bail out of his mobile home when we got a mile or two out of camp. We used to see that raccoon every once in a while during the season. He actually lived in my friends trailer which was kept in hunting camp.

It had a bad effect on him I think, he hates raccoons, treats them like rats, kills them every opportunity he has. He never could get rid of that raccoon that lived in his trailer until it bailed out after the season was over and my friend was taking the mobile home away. It was a funny sight, watching that raccoon bail out and run for cover once it hit the road.

:D :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-17-2002 10:16: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
So the big question is, if Dinger saw the bear under you, making loops, why didn't you guys come back with a BEAR??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I would say Cuz It's Dinger.... BUt he will read this later ;)

HE actually only had the pistol and would have had to shoot at the bear through me. I don't know why he didn't try to shoot under my legs to kill the bear. But I'm kinda glad he didn't :D :D

Lemme ask him and let him tell his side .,,
That was a great call, when you put it that way. No shooting Moose out of the tree during bear season.
So I could have got a Moose and a Bear at the same time???? :D

Just the look on moosies face when I told him there was a bear right next to him....

How the *(#$&(# does he always come home with animals, and didn't see this one. Ahhh, makes me laugh, still!!!!!

Going back up sunday, more stories then.

Elk Turd (Dinger)

I did know there was a bear around, Just trying not to blow the hunt for my good buddy that needs ALL the help he can get :eek: :eek: ..... ;)
It is flat out amazing how stealth these critters can be and then all of sudden start tearing things apart. I talked with Dustin this morn and he had a bear come in and bust the barrel from the 3/8 logging chain and pack it a half mile from the site! He said the front pad was 5 1/2, nice bear! Happy hunting, Casey
LAst time the bear got within 7 yards of me and I didn't turn around to see it. I didn't want to spook it.. Tonight, A different one snuck by me without me even hearing it. WTF ?!?! Am I slacking in my old age :D :D how can a bear get that close and me not hear it ?!!? Elk Turd saw it.... I'm guessing it smelt the beans I had for lunch and took off :eek: :eek:

Glad it's not me hunting them at that bait site, I'd be bearless still
They have to be very noisy critters. Every TV show that has a bear in it, show's them slowly crunching along....LOL.... :D :D
Too cool! :D I'm always blown away at how quiet those big bruins come in...you're lucky to hear a twig once in a long while...

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