Here are the number of B&C entries by state from 2007 to present:
Montana shows 138 recorded in this time frame. I know this number is higher than that by quite a bit in that there are a lot that are never turned in to B&C. All it takes to get into "The Book" is a check and a verified score. Some of us choose not to do that. I know of 5 rams well over book that were not turned in to B&C during that time frame. One is on my wall and I could take you to see the other four. None of us turned ours in to B&C.
People that want to hunt sheep and have the financial means know all about the quantity and quality potential of sheep in Montana - especially the breaks area.
Depending on how a person chooses to fill his tag by using on outfitter or do it on your own it is still a once in a life time opportunity. I spent 18 days before pulling the trigger and looked over 100 plus rams - not many places you an do that.
And that is why the Montana tag went for 480K.